Page 45 - ICT Nepal News Issue 01
P. 45

monitor and one unit of
        R e pt  a c i d  e s kt o  p i,  i  1*ffi  ' v.Clag  dFd nt  No side issues like multiple  printer
                          i"  r
                        .'r    I  '"' r,'   copies or memory  devices visible to  Server
        zero ilientL, Sgve1'   '  '   '
                            "'                                                    Per Monitor Watt
        70% in capital cost.                                                      Consumption is 15W
        95% in power consu mption.                                                Per Zero Client Watt
                                                                                  Consumption is 10W
        95% in ma intena  nce cost.
                                                                                  Per Desktop Watt
        90% in future  u p-gradation.                                             Consumption is 200W
        fufi nOitdio  ,,, ,.,:  ,,,.,,' ''   :                                    Per Server Watt ConsumPtion
        Real full HD local or online video                                        is 300W
                                                                                  Per Unit Cost is Rs 20 (Unit is
        Any media format,  any media  PlaYer
                                                                                  equal to 1000W  consumPtion
        30fps, smooth in  1920*  1080
                                                                                  per hour)
        30 simultaneous 1080p videos on                                           For  further  FAQ please visit
                                             Above Chart  is based on
        an i7 host                                                                the  following  link httP://
                           t:i,   :r  -r   .,:r,:  following  Assumption
        Brood u# Peyr",,'  ,' ',  ,  '  ''                              
                             , ,'l'
                                            E  Total 8 hours working  Per  daY
        Support  a broad range of peripherals  ffi  30 units of DesktoP ComPuter  su  p p o rt/fd  q -h ow-tos/  o r  Yo  u
                                                                                  can email to:
        No client driver required               with Monitor
                                             ffi  30 units of Zero Client with
        Plug and  play, works any time

                                         A Complete

                                         Automohile Magazine




                                              i45)  ITEINEPAL  []anuary   2017)
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