Page 46 - ICT Nepal News Issue 01
P. 46

CAN InfoTech on the woy

               CAN Federation  is
                                                                                       t-ii!'1  Edltj  ir  'l{iiiar::i:  .iiri:ij
            holding  the mega event
            of Nepal's information                      r*s$ frle*t *ilS txfu*fu*€ww     ffiri*f*r*g
            and communication
            technology,  CAN  I nfoTech                                             - F* ll
            2017 from January 26 at
                                                                     i-Es  g€-*+i  i*.:+t11!iti+-".  i*ii',
               With more than 222
            stalls at the show, the
            annual event is being
            organized with an aim
            to promote  ICT sector of
            Nepal and increase people's
            awareness on information
            and technology.
               According  to CAN      are giving away different  related  to power solution,  Federation  will also
            Federation,  Subisu is    offers  in their products  and  mobile accessories,  organize a two-day
            the title sponsor  of the  services  throughout  the  hardware  sales and     lnternational  ICT
            event and Samsung  is the  event.                   maintenance, internet    Conference from January
            associate sponsor. Simila  rly,  Organizers  expect to  service providers,   29. As per CAN officials,
            Nepal  Telecom (NT)  is the  draw at least 400,000  telecommunication,       the conference  is a part
            diamond sponsor  of the   visitors  during  the event.  software and payment  of the CAN lnfoTech and
            event. 'All the 222 stalls  While entry fee has been  solution,  ICT colleges,  will be organized on the
            of the exhibition  has been  fixed at Rs 100 for general  among  others will be  theme of 'lnformation
            booked,"  officials  of CAN  visitors,  for students it has  displayed  during  the event,  and Communication
            Federation  said and added  been set at Rs 50.     as per organizers.        Tech nology for Susta  ina ble
           that majority  of exhibitors  Products and services    Meanwhile,  CAN        Development'.

            Ncell felicitoted by                                  OPPO honored                     ql    CES

            KMC                                                       OPPO

                                                                   has been
              Domestic  private                                    honored by
           telecom operator  Ncell  Ncell                          lnternational
           has been felicitated                                    Data Group
           by Kathmandu                                            (lDG)  at a
           Metropolitan  City        in the development of         ceremony
           (KMC).  Minister for      the metropolitan  city        hosted  on
           Federal  Affairs  and Local  by making contribution     January 6 as            during 201,6.  "OPPO is
           Development, Hitraj       of highest amount of          part of Las Vegas' annual  extremely proud to be
           Pandey  awarded  a letter  advertisement tax for        Consumer  Electronics   recognized  by IDG for
           of appreciation to Ncell  201.5/1,6," reads the         Show (CES).  OPPO  was  our commitment  to
           for contributing  h ighest  appreciation letter         recognized  as Global   bringi ng out in novative
           amount of advertisement   provided  to Ncell. Out of Rs  Top Smart  Phones  Brand  technologies  designed
           tax in the last Fiscal  Year  4L.7 million that KMC had  and Global Top Smart   to delight and inspire
           20ts/16.                  mobilized  as advertisement   Connected  Devices      our users around  the
              "Ncell has been        tax in 2Ot5/16, one-third  of  Brand. OPPO that       world,"  Luma Lu, OPPO's
           honored for its           the contribution  was made    made great  strides  in  Technology  Planning
           rema  rka ble contri bution  by Ncell alone.           their global  expansions  Director; said.

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