Page 43 - ICT Nepal News Issue 02
P. 43

Software                           my phone in my lockeL so l'm not  good news is, it isn't lying. I managed
                                           constantly worrying about where l've  to get an astonishing 102 hours out of
           Like its predecessor, the Gear 53
        classic  ships running Samsung's  in-  set it down.                  my device with always-on mode, Wi-
        house Tizen  operating system. There's  The sheeramount  of usesyou'llfind  Fi and location turned on (sadly, the
        a lot of controversy  over whether  for the device are truly overwhelming.  charging time from 0 to 100 percent
        the company  should have opted  for  Among other  things, it can be used to  remains long, although  that does
        Android Wear this time around, but  place and receive  phone calls, receive  make the improved battery life more
                                           step-by-step  navigation  directions to  attractive).
        l'm really happy  it didn't. The watch is
        fast, fluid and has a good catalogue  of  locations, manage  your schedule and  That said, yoU could probably  get
        applications. What's not to like?  receive  answers  to questions through  even longer if you activate the Power
           Don't get me wrong, there  are still  S Voice.                    Saving  preset. lt works in a similar
                                                                             way to the feature on Samsung's
        a few applications  that haven't been
        graced with actionable capabilities  Performonce                     smartphones  by disabling  everything
        just yet, but all of the major instant  The Gear 53 classic sports a lGHz except calls  and  notifications,
        messaging  offerings,  including  Gmail,  Exynos 7270 dual-core  processor  and  and restricting the screen to onlY
        Facebook Messenger,  Hangouts  and  768M8 of RAM, which work hand-   displaying black and white colors.
                                           in-hand to  deliver  extremely  fast
        WhatsApp  let you manage and reply
        to messages on your watch. One of  response times.  Loading applications  Conclusfon
                                          takes a  matter of  seconds, and      Samsung has hit the nail on the
        my favourite things about Tizen is
        its transitions.  Entering  applications,  scrolling through menus using the  head with the Gear 53 classic. lt's a
        scrolling through different  screens  and  rotary bezel is very fluid. Overall,  classy,  powerful  device that looks like a
        perusing notifications  feels extremely  it's a fantastic experience,  one that  regular Swiss  timepiece, but embraces
        smooth and silky. Even slowly rotating  Samsung probably wouldn't have  the power and functionality of the
        the bezel on the face of the watch  -  been able to implement  if it had opted  Tizen OS. High-end specifications
        which lets you sift through apps and  for Android Wear.              mean that using applications and
        watchfaces   -   delivers a premium                                  navigating  between different  screens
        experience.                       Gear Monager                       is a painless  experience. The durable
                                             The Gear Manager  application   design  also means  it's able to withstand
           As you can imagine, the Gear
        53 isn't only useful for receiving  has also seen a series of updates  the minor  knocks and bumps  it's likely
        notifications. lt's also fantastic for  in the build up to the Gear S3Es  to incur being strapped to your wrist
        fitness  tracking. Using  S Health, you're  release, which allows users to:  on a daily basis.  The Gear 52 was the
        able to monitor your heart rate, view  manage  watchfaces and applications,  best smartwatch  on the market when
                                           configure  preset responses,  check for  it launched last year, and its successor
        a live reading of your step count and
                                           updates and locate their misplaced  can lay claim to the same title.
        even participate in workouts using a
                                           device using Find my Gear. You also get
        virtual coach.
           l've been taking advantage  of  to discover new apps and watchfaces  Pros Cons
        the Gear 53 classic's 4GB of internal  from the app and send them to the  Gorgeous design  Heavy body
        storage to listen to music via a pair of  watch, and make customizations such  Clear display  Lack of
                                           as enabling  or disabling  notifications
        Bluetooth headphones  when l'm in                                                      compatibility
        the gym. This has proven to be very  for an app.                                       with iOS
        useful for a number of reasons, but                                   Great  battery life
        mainly because it allows  me to leave  Battery Life
                                             The Gear 53  classic comes       Customizable
                                           equipped with a 380mAh  battery,   watch faces and
                                          which Samsung claims  can last for up  interchangeable
                                          to four days on a single charge. The  stra ps
                                                                              Fantastic software

                                              ImI NEPAL  [Vol-l,  Issue-2,  2fiL7)
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