Page 46 - ICT Nepal News Issue 02
P. 46
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t ss A(ou8t Contrat hdF3 pEslt Pocsti.lty hrrrtrul progrmt f.w mrkiag <hi69s to )@t 'omPuEr'
Alralrc rotify
AhE sreUtrrcwlE
. A|,pr try to ia*all loftwatc ot ru*e thang€s to my
. I mrkc chrhgs tq r.ijindows *dtitgs
Change sharing options for different neiwork profiles
Vtrindowr ar.rtcs n s4F irte nctdcgrk profihfar erah nctws* ycu use Ypu can choorc spccifi< optians for Q R*ommodcd if yoo routinely ialtell n* ssftwrc
and viiit utrfasili.r wcbtits.
eath p:o{ilc, {csrfft profildJ O
t{lhrork dBtovtry
\ryhcn iltffirk discwery ir on, thh comFrtet ttn se oths n€hrctk compl*s9 and dsics and is
visibL to oth6 ncnwort cmPl*sr
Q Tun on nrtwork disrwery
B Tun on attomatic srtup af n*work ccnne<tcd deuiccr.
QTm off nrtwork discov*y
Filc and printer *rring
Whc filt and printe shadng i: oq file md pdatm that you hae shrrcd fmm this romputc cm
bc actcsed by peoplt mthc n:trcrt.
Q Tm on fih and prirtcr rhxing
QTm cfffile rnd pimu sh*ring
Hmecmup <onnections
Typically, Windenr: managcl tht onn.ctionr tD *rtr homtgrclp compstcrs. But if you have tht
srma Gser aacounG and passtvords on all ol your cornpt*ers, you ran hlw HomcGroup ust your
arcrorrt instead.
@ Altow Windavr: to manage homegroup conncctims (recomm:ndcdl
Q [.be use accounts tnd pasmrds ta €omc{t to othcr cffiPt tffi