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managing smart devices and sensors Complex Problem-Solving: automating repetitive tasks, enhancing
that communicate with one another and Many IT tasks involve complex problem- decision-making with data insights, and
the internet to enable data collection and solving, critical thinking, and creativity. managing routine operations. This can
automation. While AI can handle routine tasks and free up professionals to focus on higher-
predefined scenarios, it might struggle value tasks.
User Support: with novel and intricate challenges that Cultural and Contextual
Technical support from IT professionals require human judgment. Understanding:
helps users solve technical issues and In global contexts, IT professionals
utilize technology effectively. Adaptation and Learning: with cultural understanding and local
Because information technology (IT) is knowledge can better serve diverse user
Emerging Technologies: a fast-paced industry, IT professionals bases.
Modern technological advancements like are constantly acquiring new skills. The
blockchain, quantum computing, and key difference is peoples ability to learn, Instead of replacing IT jobs, AI is
augmented reality are constantly being innovate and adapt to new challenges. likely to transform them. Certain
tested and modified by IT. tasks, especially routine and repetitive
Ethical and Social ones, may be automated, leading to
shifts in job roles and responsibilities.
Information technology, in its most Considerations: IT professionals will likely need to
basic sense, is the use of technology to Choices in artificial intelligence (AI) are upskill and reskill to work alongside AI
innovate, solve problems and increase based on data models, which may or may systems and leverage their capabilities
productivity in businesses. System not be in line with ethical principles or effectively. The synergy between AI and
administrators, software developers, data human values. Human IT professionals human expertise can lead to innovative
analysts, and cybersecurity specialists can make judgment calls that take into solutions, improved productivity, and
are just a few of the various jobs that IT account ethical and social implications. new opportunities within the evolving IT
professionals perform in today's fast- landscape.
paced digital world that all help ensure providing personalized solutions require
that technology is used effectively.
human interaction. Does Information
E-commerce: Unstructured Situations: Technology Require Coding
IT is essential for online transactions, AI systems thrive in structured
from designing user-friendly online environments with well-defined data, but Although not all IT jobs require it,
shopping platforms to building secure many real-world IT scenarios involve coding is an essential skill in many
payment gateways. unstructured data and nuanced decision- IT roles. It addresses the function and
making. duties of information technology (IT).
Digital transformation: Depending on the IT environment you
Many industries are currently undergoing Innovation and Creativity: work in, various levels of coding may be
this process, which makes use of IT to IT roles involve designing new solutions, necessary. Here is a justification:
modernize processes, boost effectiveness, systems, and applications. Creativity
and create new business models. and innovative thinking are essential for Coding-Intensive Roles:
pushing technological boundaries. Software Development: To create
Virtualization and Cloud websites, apps, and computer
applications, software programmers and
Infrastructure: Customization and Context: developers compose, check, and modify
IT specialists create, maintain, and AI might provide generalized solutions, code.
manage virtual machines and cloud but tailoring solutions to specific
infrastructure to optimize resource usage business needs or unique situations often Web Development:
and boost scalability. requires human insight. To create and maintain web applications
Will Information System Oversight: for websites, web developers use coding
languages like Javascript, HTML, and
While AI can manage and optimize
Technology Jobs Be systems, human oversight is crucial to CSS.
Replaced By Ai prevent and address unexpected errors or Mobile App Development:
security breaches.
Mobile app developers write code to
While some aspects of Information Human-Centric Skills: create apps for smartphones and tablets.
Technology (IT) jobs might be impacted IT professionals possess interpersonal Coding as an Advantage:
by artificial intelligence (AI) and skills, emotional intelligence, and
automation, it’s unlikely that AI will empathy that are important for Database Administration:
completely replace the need for human understanding user requirements and While not always required, coding
IT professionals. AI can certainly providing effective solutions. skills can be beneficial for managing
augment and enhance various tasks and optimizing databases, especially for
within the IT field, but there are several writing SQL queries.
reasons why complete replacement is AI Assistance:
unlikely: AI can assist IT professionals by
(44) (Issue-4, 2023)