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P. 39

 Hridaya Man Shrestha

   6. Would you mind discussing how, in the digital age, technology has changed how performers and viewers
   interact with one another and their craft?
   Indeed, there are pros and cons in life, but I choose to focus on the positives. Since the world is always changing, new ways of
   interacting with audiences through technology, like apps and social media, are emerging.  While these developments offer fresh
   opportunities for interaction, some traditions continue to be practiced. Live theater productions, sporting events, and concerts have
   an enduring appeal that resists technological change. These physical meetings’ primal energy, communal feelings, and shared
   moments are irreplaceable and act as constants in a quickly changing society.
   7. How has technology played a significant role in your journey as a singer and in shaping your career?
   Technology has been fundamental to my development as a singer and has had a significant impact on the course of my career.
   It has given me access to previously unheard-of technologies for creating, interacting with, and connecting with a worldwide
   audience. I’m able to share my music and interact with listeners in ways that were previously unthinkable thanks to digital media.
   While I’m still working to fully realize technology’s possibilities, I’m actively investigating it through making music, making
   videos, and posting observations on social media. Each project, while still a work in progress, is a step toward releasing the power
   of technology. I’m convinced that as I continue to develop my abilities and broaden my online presence, I’ll reach new heights of
   creativity and participation in my artistic endeavors.

   8. Do you feel the rapid advancements in technology, how do
   you see it impacting the entertainment industry, and the way       9. Are you more inclined towards iOS or
   actors approach their roles?                                       Android devices, and what are the reasons for
   I consider myself extremely lucky to have seen the transition from   your preference?
   manually operated to fully automated modern technology, especially   I tend to favor iOS devices because of their
   in the audio and visual fields. The evolution from CCD cameras     dependability, simplicity, and user-friendly UI. A robust
   and standalone video recorders to today’s wireless, high-resolution   and dependable experience is provided by iOS devices’
   capabilities that defy conception has been astounding. In the same way, I   seamless hardware and software interaction. The user-
   switched from 4-track analog tape recording to infinite multitrack digital   friendly interface makes navigating simple for both
   systems and virtual instruments that could compete with real ones. The   experienced smartphone users and those who are new
   same hardware and software are now used throughout the world, but how  to the device. iOS offers a sense of trustworthiness that
   we use them differs. Maintaining technological proficiency is essential if   fits with my tastes for a seamless and effective user
   you want to adhere to global business norms. However, the introduction   experience thanks to regular upgrades and a focus on
   of AI poses a new problem that could affect our customary creative   security.
   processes. Finding a balance between AI’s potential and our inherent
   artistic nature becomes crucial as we navigate this environment.
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