Page 4 - ICT Nepal News Issue 01
P. 4

A New fuIagexfrme is

                                                      ffiorm!                   EHMI
                                                                                Regd :237120731074
                                   Real news demands  eye open reporting,      January 201 7, Volume- 1, lssue- |
                                which needs to  be based on fact with
                                accuracy  as well as truth. With the launch of
                                ICT Nepal Magazine, we assure our readers      EDrroR/cHATRMAN:
                                for independence  of our reporting  and the
                                                                               Pawan Kumar Sharma,  Ph.D.
                                transparency of our analysis.
                                   The new ICT Nepal Magazine  is an addition
                                                                               PUBLISHER :
                                to  what we already have-Auto Mobile
                                                                               Chaita nya ra m Bhatta ra i
                                Monthly and Nirman Monthly Magazine.  With
                                the new addition, we aim to facilitate our
                                                                               EXECUTIVE  DIRECTOR:
           valued readers with issues  related to Nepal and world lCT. As we have
            begun  publishing  ICT Nepal  Magazine  from the beginning of 2017, we  Toya Nath Paudel
            promise to make a difference  through this magazine  to our readers,
           society, community, government  and the entire ICT sector of the    BUSINESS  DEVELOPMENT:
           cou ntry.                                                           Dipesh Paudel
              "A person who never made a mistake, never tried anything  new"
           said Albert Einstein, who was present in the material world from 1879  REPORTER:
           to 1955. Our attempt  of introducing the ICT Nepal Magazine  is more or  Hridaya Man Shrestha
            less inspired by the words of Einstein and it is only an attempt  from us
           to make  difference in ICT sector  of Nepal. As hardware have a maturity  Graphic  /layout  :
            period but the rise of coding to maximum operability/usability is rising  Naresh Raut
           day by day in every part of subject i.e. law health, science, agriculture,
           sociology, entertainment,  astrology, you name it get it, even on spiritual  LEGAL ADVISOR  :
           world it is widely used.                                            Ramdatta  Ojha
              There is a massive  use of technology  todiy all around  which not
           only has simplified  our daily life but also has raised questions of
                                                                               MARKET!  NG REPRESENTATIVE  :
           security/threats/unawareness.  This issue falls under the category of
                                                                               Purushottam Kadel
           Cyber Security.  Not even active youth, we need to aware these to all
                                                                               Santosh Adhikari
           of Nepalis, especially chitdren under 18 and young over 50s, which
           is more in dangers as per various international  surveys. The recent
           earthquake also elicited  awareness and reinforced the importance   PHOTOGRAPHY  :
           of technology/communication  and readily  available information  and  Biju Maharjan
           also at business side the data warehouse,  while the level of awareness
           and interest  was substantially  low prior to Nepal's  disasters.  We met  DISTRIBUTION  OUTSIDE VALLEY  :
           with representatives from various stakeholders of ICT and discussed  Gobinda Poudel (Pokhara)
           the dynamics  between their roles in developing  and strengthening  Keshab  Bhatta  (Narayanghat)
           the policy  of lCT sectors, we will be published  it in our subsequent  Tularam  Bhusal (Butwal, Bhairawa)
           issues.  One of such personality was Er. Binod Dhakal, President  of CAN
                                                                               Bijay  Shrestha  (Nepalgunj, Dang,  Surkhet)
           Federation. Moreover,  a version of his interview appears in this first
                                                                               Rakesh Phuyal (Biratnagar,  lthari, Dharan)
           issue of ICT Nepal Magazine.
              We also have contributions from academician/students/business
           personalities  who have made careers out of this field, and have shared  CTP & PRINT  :
           their opinions  regarding  the issues  from a variety of people, and has  BlTl Suppliers  & Printing Press Pvt. Ltd.
           attempted to bring them all together in its pages, thanks to all and
           those too who do not want to disclosed their works/writings.
              I take this opportunity to thanks all the partners, team members,
           well-wishers, advertisers  who stepped  forward  to beginning ICT Nepal
           Magazine  first issue. Happy reading, be informed and stay data safe,
           which is a new life of century and time to come, you will get hardware/  $.t*rrrmgfig
           software but not personal data if loss/compromised  be prepared for
           the data to be safe and also secure! New Cyber World  is facing various  Chabahil,  Kathmandu, Nepal
           black faces one of them  is Ransomware.  Let us all put effort together to
                                                                               TEL: 01-4102L1.1
           cope such issues and bring change in ICT industry in Nepal.
                                                                               EMAI L :
                                                             Thank  You.

                                                 (4) IFII NEPAL  (fanuary  20L7)
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