Page 8 - ICT Nepal News Issue 01
P. 8

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           smarter ln zotT

              The world is becoming more      followed  suit. ln the US, Chicago,  integrated cross-cutting  approach
           urban every year  and cities  are  San Francisco, New York, Seattle,  to develop technology and share
           tu rning more technologica  lly    and Denver are among those that    information. "They  realize the cost
           advanced to handle  the population  added intelligent  tech early  on.  and danger  of doing smart city
           growth.More cities are adding      Today there  are cities around the  projects piecemeal  on a department-
           smart city features so that lnternet  globe adding new tech to streamline  by-department  basis. They want to
           of Things (loT) sensors and other  everything from traffic, parking, and  share infrastructure,  share costs, and
           connected  technologies can improve  streetlights, to public utilities,  safety,  share data between departments,"
           the lives of citizens and visitors. As  and city services.            said Jesse Berst, chairman of the
           everyone knows, technology  moves     There  are several major themes  Smart  Cities Council.As  part of an
           fast and finding  out what is in store  expected  to take precedence  in  integrated approach, Berst believes
           next is crucial to stay in the game.  2017.|CT Nepal bring down news  that cities will seek multi-purpose
              The concept of a smart city     from smart city expert's blog,     platforms  instead  of single-purpose,
           has been around for more than      webpage  and article to get their  custom applications andthey wish
           a decade.  However,  it was only   opinions on what is likely to happen  to have hardware, software, and
           recently that the phrase 'smart city'  in the next 12 months as the chasm  tools that can be used by multiple
           became  part of the modern lexicon.  is crossed from early adopters to  departments.
           The trend toward adding  smart     early mainstream in the US.          This is happening  with varied
           city technology  began in Europe                                      departments  such as the police,
           with Barcelona, Spain one of the   X. Cities will eliminote  silos within  street maintenance and lf,
           earliest adopters. Dubai, Singapore,  g ove rn m e nt d e pa rtm e nts  depending on the city and the need
           Hamburg,  and Copenhagen  quickly     More cities are seeking an      of citizens. When one loT sensor
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