Page 9 - ICT Nepal News Issue 01
P. 9

sends information  to a department,  but cities will work vuith other
        the data  is only valuable if the right  municipalities to share information
        person  sees it. Finding out through  and technology."As ioT becomes
        a sensor that there is a gunshot on  mainstream, we are moving  from a
        a city street means that the city  time when cities who were putling
        services departrnent  that mon itors  money  on loT initiatives were the
        the sensors on the streetlight  must  'leaders' in advancing  smart cities,
        be able to relay that information  to  to a time where the citres not
        a 911 operator,                   investing  in smart city solutions are
           "This only rnakes  sense       the one being left behind,"Deloach
        when you consider  that loT       said, adding that we are seeing
        normally sits at the cross section  more and more collaboration
        between operationa  I tech nology  among  cities where a lesson
        a nd infonmation  technology.     iearned in Rio may have an impact
        That gunshot detection  system    on an upcoming project in Atlanta
        mounted  in the streetlights  needs  and this coliaboration  among  cities
        strategic,  operational  and fi nancial  will increase in 201-7. According  to
        consicieration  from m ulti ple   him, collaboration  between cities
        parties,"  said Dori Deloach,     and private industry  is picking
        president and Chief Executive     up as cities and companies  have
        Officer (CEO) of lnfobright  whois  recognize there are opportunities  to
        also part of the lllinois Technology  come together;  he said.
        Association's  loT Council.          "This rnay be with the mapping
                                          of underground services in
                                          Chicago  or the LINK kiosks in
           Berst said that more cifies will  New York. But there is more and
        be seriously  consider  cloud option  more government  to commercial
        and X-as-a-service, including     company  collaboration  going  on in
        soft wa re-as-a-service,  p  I atform-  smart cities and it will increase in
        as-a-service,  a nd  i nfrastructu  re-  2017," said Deloach.
        as-a-service,  but procu rement
        regulations are holding them
        back."Many cities next year will
        begin to address the policy  changes
        needed to be able to move to the
        cloud,"  Berst claims"

           Not only will silos
        be eliminated  within                              f   '--"   l
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