Page 4 - ICT Nepal News Issue 02
P. 4

         Unvailing of                                Nepal'

                                 'lCT Nepal' first issue is unveiled by finance  Regd :237 /20731074
                              minister  Krishna Bahadur  Mahara  at CAN lnfo-
                              tech inaugural  Ceremony.  On our second issue,  Volume- l, lssue-2, 201 7
                              we are using why Smart Government  needed
                              country like Nepal  with the following  reporting,
                              articles and altogether collections  of this issue.  EDrroR/cHAIRMAN:
                                 On topic for conceptual  framework to       Dr. Pawan Kumar Sharma
                              implement e-Government  in Nepal from one
                              of the best think tank Prf. Dr. Subarna Shakya
                              versioned with suggestive path pertaining      PUBLISHER;
                              to  facts and figures. Another contributor     Cha itanya ram Bhattarai
                              illustrated  about E-Governance  initiatives  in
                              Nepal:  lnformation system transform  social cash  EXECUTIVE  DIRECTOR:
                              transfer; by MIS Specialist, MoFALD Mr. Mahesh
                                                                             Ioya Nath Paudel
          Maharjan,  who focused on widely accepted and effective tools of service
         delivery  by all developed  countries  and also developing  countries.
            Asian subcontinent has common  practice to collect  information from  BUSINESS  DEVELOPMENT:
         schools,  which can track the performance of schools  across different  Dipesh Paudel
         years, brief tools discussed  by Mr. Sambedan Koirala  with rationale  and
          innovation.                                                        REPORTER:
            Rightly informing  people in villages help building  efficacious  Hridaya Man Shrestha
          responsible Npeal!,  isfeatured  by Mr. Navin  Shrerstha with communication
                                                                             Prabin Dahal
         gap even between  generation  to generation  and digital  gap.As this issue
          is dedicated to smart/electronics  government,  governance we placed the
                                                                             Graphic  /layout  :
         word of issue as 'Smart Home and Digital Divide", which  is just simple
         words associated  with brief knowledge.                             Naresh Raut
            Cyber  Security expert Mr. Mohan H. Dahal placed five mostly  follow
         tips which we have to think while using  social media that saves us more  LEGAL ADVISOR  :
         than we thought.                                                    Ramdatta  Ojha
            Hard work and vast use of technology is today's life and also to the
          next generations  life thus we need to know how we can balance our life  MARKETING REPRESENTATIVE  :
         and work on various ways with the thought of C- level thought  placed by  Purushottam Kadel
          ICT Nepal's  reporter.
            ln our previous  issue, we talked about 'The dubbing',  in this issue we  Santosh Adhikari
          pulled this topic on today's fascinating world with the 'What is Foley?'  by
         Sound  Engineer Mr. Sunaya Man Shrestha.                            PHOTOGRAPHY  :
            Tulshi  Ghimire  has given his technology uses in his private  as well as  Biju Maharjan
          profession work, which is reported by Mr. Hridaya Man Shrestha.
            lnternational  Veteran Dr. Rishi Shah placed  marvelous  content  'The  DISTRIBUTION  OUTSIDE VALLEY  :
          Fourth lndustrial  Revolution  and The lnternet' for fuel to think past  as  Gobinda Poudel (Pokhara)
         well as future while planning for big thing for Nepali Technothrusts,
          Experts and Government planners for building better Nepal with rapid  Keshab  Bhatta  (Narayanghat)
         changes.                                                            Tularam  Bhusal (Butwal, Bhairawa)
            The cyber threats is rising day by day, on this scenario most valuable  Bijay  Shrestha  (Nepalgunj, Dang,  Surkhet)
          companies  are hiring cybersecurity professional,  are our Government,  Rakesh Phuyal (Biratnagar,  lthari, Dharan)
          Companies are planning to hire to become some short of secure. By the
         way IBM uses Watson  to fill cybersecurity  gaps, IBM's new Watson  for
                                                                             CTP & PRINT  :
          Cyber Security,  unveiled at RSA, can tap into more than 1 million security
          documents  to help cybersecurity  professionals more easily identify  BlTl Suppliers  & Printing Press Pvt. Ltd.
          and mitigate potential threats. We placed local reporting  by Expert  Mr.
          Chiranjibi Adhikari  for the major  concerns in Nepal for Cyber Security.
            Nevertheless, monthly magazine  will not be publishable  without the
          product review, in this issue we have Samsung Smart Watch Gear  53  $t"chmgflg
          Classic Vs. Gear 53 frontier for smart watch  lovers  after valentine  month.
            Without your love and guidance we cannot go ahead, once again       Chabahil,  Kathmandu,  Nepal
         thank you for all who give us valuable feedback on our previous issue.  ffi  l1,-Auozttr
            Let us fight with cyber security  and put effort together to cope such
          issues and bring change in ICT industry in Nepal.                     i nfo@ ictnepa  I
                                                 Thank you.
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