Page 9 - ICT Nepal News Issue 02
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technology network, which allows  government-to-    flawed  decisions  because of a lack of information  and
         government  exchange of data and information  and central  analysis; (v) coordination  difficulties and resistance
         management  of government data and information;  (iii)  to innovation;  and (vi) poor use of financial,  human,
         developing various priority  e-Government applications;  physical, and technical resources.  To address this capacity
         and (iv) developing  and implementing human  resources  problem,  the Project will (i) build awareness,  knowledge,
         development  programs.                              and skills in ICT governance among key stakeholders
            There  have been e-Government  initiatives  in the country  to help improve efficiency in the delivery of e-services
         at national  level. The program will lead to socioeconomic  to the community;  (ii) establish computer  laboratories
         improvements  in remote  and rural communities  through  for the capacity  development of institutions  promoting
         ICT and improved  ICT uptake in the community,  business,  ICT human resources  development, and strengthen
         and government. To this end, the program  will (i) make ICT  networking between  training  institutions and support
         more accessible, affordable, inclusive,  sustainable,  and  for functional linkages;  (iii) revise the training curriculum
         useful to remote and rural communities;  (ii) make public  and develop new curricula for public training institutions,
         services more citizen-centered  and business-friendly  to improve the quality of the training curriculum  and
         through  ICT; (iii) improve accessibility,  efficiency, and  materials in ICT governance  and enhance  the cost-
         transparency in government  service  delivery through ICT;  effectiveness  of training programs  by developing high-
         and (iv) enhance  ICT business  and industry. The priority  quality training materials; (iv) share knowledge  and
         project  is as follows:                             experiences  to promote ICT governance and applications
                                                             through exchange  and fellowship programs  designed
         a. Rurdl e-Community                                to  recognize the contributions  and commitment  of
            The project will  modernize rural communities,
         particularly in remote  areas, by improving  ruralconnectivity
         through wireless broadband  networks in districts, by
         mobilizing community  socioeconomic  activities through  $       re have been e-Government
         a village network portal that will allow villagers to share  initiatives in the country at national
         their social capital, and by building telecenters to improve
                                                                     level. The program will lead to
         last-mile access to services in remote  rural areas.
                                                                    socioeconomic  improvements in
         b. Government Network
                                                                      remote and rural communities
           The project will build  a government  ICT network, which
                                                                    through ICT and improved ICT
         allows government-to-government  exchange of data and
         information,  and central management  of government data  uptake in the community,  business,
         and information,  with suitable protection  and efficient
                                                                                        and government.
         backup and recovery  provisions. The government  ICT
         network component will comprise  (i) the establishment
         of government information and data center, and (ii) the  exemplary civil servants  and NGO leaders to the effective
         development  of government groupware.               and efficient adoption  of ICT governance  applications;
                                                             and (v) support the development  of ICT governance
        c. e-G ove rn me nt Ap plicatio n s                  courses,  a new curriculum for ICT governance, and new
           The project will develop  various priority e-government  teaching materials in ICT governance, in association with
        applications  that (i) are priority applications;  (ii) are in  universities and research institutes.
        areas requiring few legislative  changes; (iii) provide easily
        identifiable benefits;  (iv) respond  to owners'  keenness to  3. I M PLEM ENTATION ARRANGEMENTS
        initiate change  and own the application;  (v) are relevant  TheOfficeof  the Prime Ministerand  Councilof Ministers
        to the immediate needs of the community;  (vi) hasten  (OPMCM)  t41 will be responsible for overall  project
        the achievement  of MDGs; (vii) answer  actual or latent  implementation  and coordination  as the Executing  Agency.
        demand,  cost, and organizational  capability;  or (viii) are  A project management unit (PMU) will be established
        likely to have quick  success,  with significant  dividends to  in the OPMCM,  within one month of effectiveness.  lt
        the community.                                       will be headed by a chief project director (secretary),
                                                             who will be supported by two project directors,  one for
        d. Humon Resources  Development  for  e-Governcrnce  administration  (joint secretary) and another  for technical
           The lack of adequate  knowledge and skills in ICT  aspects (NITC  executive  director  ),  and a treasurer, as well
        and e-Governance in the public  sector has given  rise to  as project management consultants, who will provide
        (i) poor-quality  or nonexistent  services; (ii) persistent  technical inputs for the appropriate  supervision of project
        corruption due to lack of transparency;  (iii) unnecessary  implementation.  The chief project director will have overall
        duplication and inefficiency  in government  work;  (iv)  responsibility  for project management.  Each component

                                           (9) IITINEPAL (Vol-1, Issue-2,  201,7)
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