Page 8 - ICT Nepal News Issue 02
P. 8


          Prof . Dr. Suborno Shokyo


             e-Government is  the  use of  lnformation  and    level of literacy,  low per capita income and insufficient
          Communication  Technologies  to promote more efficient  infrastructure  for the implementation  of e-government  in
          and effective  government,  and make it more accessible  Nepal.
          and accountable to the citizens.  The e-Government
          readiness  index of Nepal  is found to be low as compared  2. e-Government  Projects in NePal
          to other countries.  There are various challenges for   The government of Nepal with support of the Korea
          effective  implementation  of e-government in Nepal.  These  lT lndustry  Promotion  Agency  (KIPA)  prepared  an
          challenges  are like low literacy,  low per capita  income and  e-Government  Master Plan in November  2006. ln order
           limited  fi nancial  resource.                      to establish the foundation for investment  phase  of the
                                                               Master Plan, the Asian Development Bank (ADB)  provided
           1. Understanding  e-Government                      a project preparatory  technical assistance (PPTA)  to
             e-Government  is the use of information  technology to  the government of Nepal.  According  to the PPTA, the
           provide citizen and organizations with more convenient  implementation  plan was initiated and ADB agreed  to
           access to government information  and services and to  invest  grant fund for Nepal and after that the government
           provide delivery of public services to citizen,  business  of Nepal and Asian Development  Bank  (ADB) signed  the
           partners,  and those working in the public sector.  ln  grant agreement  of ICT development  project dated  23 May
           other words e-Government is the use of information  2008. Then after e-Government  implementation  project
           and communication technologies  (lCTs) to improve the  starts in Nepal. The project  involves:  (i) modernizing  rural
           activities of public sector organizations.  e-Government  communities, particularly in remote areas, by improving
           has very significant  role in the development  of a nation.  rural connectivity  through wireless broadband  networks,
           It has brought  revolution in the governance of the  mobilizing community  socioeconomic  activities through
           government.According to Economist  lntelligence  Unit the  village network portals,  and building  telecenters to
           e-readiness  index of Nepal is low. The implementation  improve last-mile  access to services in remote rural areas;
           of e-government  is very challenging  because  of the low  (ii) building a government information  and communication

                                              i8l   ]r5lNEPAL  [Vol-1,lssue-Z,   20L7)
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