Page 47 - Third Issue
P. 47
dangers related to the network. Avoid participating in time and effort we spend on online
A network can become crowded or encouraging online interaction using these apps.
with unknown individuals when it is harassment or cyberbullying.
left open and exposed to anyone Review and make changes to your
within easy reach. This results in We need to adopt more self- friend lists on social media more
slower speeds, which can hamper control when using social media. Our often.
authorized users. Secured wifi words and actions could sometimes
connections help us build a barrier unintentionally cause stress or pain It’s important to review and
against attacks that might occur on for someone. We might not even update our social media friend
our devices and lower the chances realize that we are contributing lists because it gives us control
of hackers getting access to our to cyberbullying or harassment. over who can see our updates,
personal data. Therefore, we must be very aware information, and posts. We can
and take some time to reflect on clean up our feed and make our
Learn about privacy regulations our online behavior. We must stay online experience more positive by
away from sharing inappropriate regularly reviewing our friend lists.
It’s important to understand content, making abusive comments, Our information is less likely to end
privacy regulations because they or passing on rumors. We have up in the wrong hands when we cut
give us certain protections and to understand that behind every ties with people we no longer trust.
rights about our personal data. We screen is an actual person with real Our social media connections
can be aware of our rights, such as emotions. So, we should always in some way reflect how others
the ability to request deletion of our be kind and respectful to others. perceive us, both on a personal
data or access to it. Understanding We should rethink how a message and professional level. Therefore,
privacy regulations gives us the might be received before sending we can make sure that those we
ability to fight for our privacy rights, it. We must accept the blame for are associated with positively
make informed decisions about our actions if we realize that we contribute to our online image and
sharing personal information, refuse were unintentionally involved in values by regularly reviewing our
to participate in some data collection cyberbullying or harassment. We friend lists. We can customize our
activities, and evaluate the security must figure out what caused our social media experience to reflect
risks of using particular goods mistakes and sincerely apologize to our hobbies and interests by going
or services. Finding new career those we have offended. through our friend lists. We can
opportunities in industries like data establish stronger relationships with
protection, cybersecurity, legal and Don’t reveal too much people and reduce our exposure to
regulatory compliance, and privacy information in online dating unfavorable situations. Our values
consulting can be encouraged by apps and social circles might change as
learning about privacy regulations. time goes on. We can better match
Understanding these regulations Nowadays, many people use our connections with our current lives
will help us keep our company or online dating apps to find their and interests by regularly reviewing
organization within the law and help ideal partners. However, there and updating our friend lists.
us stay out of trouble with the fines are times when people make
and penalties. false profiles, making it difficult to Keep your passwords to
determine whether the yourself.
people we interact with
are trustworthy. This can It is very important to keep our
result in disappointments passwords to ourselves to maintain
or even risks like scams the safety and security of our online
or identity theft. Our accounts. Sharing passwords
personal safety may be increases the chance that someone
hampered if we share too else will gain access to our accounts
much information on these without our approval, increasing the
apps, which can even lead risk of identity theft, loss of money,
to physical or emotional and damage to our reputation.
harm. Oversharing We can protect our privacy by not
information also makes sharing our passwords. It improves
it easier for someone the entire security of our accounts
to manipulate us. Any and reduces the possibility of them
suspicious or inappropriate being hacked or stolen. If we reveal
behavior revealed by the our passwords to someone else, they
other person needs to will have access to all of our personal
be reported right away. messages, sensitive documents,
To avoid interacting with and private information that they
people who make us could use against us. It’s up to each
feel uneasy, we should individual to keep passwords secure.
use the block and mute We can therefore establish a safe
functions. We should take online environment for ourselves and
care to limit the amount of others by fulfilling this responsibility.
ICT NEPAL (Issue-3, 2023)