Page 43 - Third Issue
P. 43

for anything odd or suspect. Look out for telltale
        It is crucial to be on the lookout for unsolicited     signs like misspellings, grammar mistakes, polite
        demands for personal information in the era of digital   pleasantries, or sudden, urgent demands. These
        communication. Receiving unforeseen demands for        could be warning signs of attempted social
        sensitive information, whether via email, phone call,   engineering. You have a better chance of spotting
        or message, should raise a red alert. Reputable people   misleading methods and defending yourself if you
        and legitimate organizations normally use established
        methods to gather information and won’t contact you    pay attention to these details. You may avoid social
        out of the blue.                                       engineering assaults by being vigilant and carefully
                                                               examining correspondence, which also protects
        Be sure to check the source before divulging any critical   your personal information from possible breaches.
        information or acting in any way if you want to keep
        yourself safe. Spend some time independently verifying   “  Phishing Emails to Avoid: Be wary of emails
        the identity and authority of the individual or group    requesting you to open attachments or click on
        making the request. You shouldn’t rely entirely on the   links, especially if they come as a surprise or from
        contact details supplied in the message itself because   an unfamiliar sender. Before you do anything,
        they could be modified or fabricated.                  make sure the email is genuine and what it says is

        Use genuine contact details that have been verified by                       true.”
        trustworthy sources instead. For instance, don’t respond   Social engineers frequently use phishing emails to
        to or click on any links in an email that purports to be
        from your bank. Instead, independently research your   deceive people into disclosing personal information or
                                                               downloading dangerous malware. To keep yourself safe,
        bank’s official website or call their customer support
        department. In this manner, you can make sure you’re   you must be skeptical of emails that ask you to open
                                                               attachments or click on links, especially if they come
        speaking with a real person and avoiding a social      from unexpected or unknown senders. Before acting on
        engineering scam.
     “     Verify the Source: Before disclosing sensitive      the email, use caution and confirm its legitimacy. Look
                                                               out for indications of dubious or fraudulent content,
                                                               such as misspelled URLs, grammatical mistakes, or
         information or approving requests from people or
         organizations, you should independently confirm       requests for personal data. When in doubt, use other
                                                               reliable avenues to independently verify the email’s
         their identity and authenticity. Use official contact   credibility, such as getting in touch with the company
           details that you have gotten from trustworthy       directly or visiting their website. You can prevent falling
                            sources.”                          victim to phishing scams and safeguard your personal
                                                               information by being alert and double-checking the
        Before disclosing sensitive information or responding to   legitimacy of emails.
        requests, it is essential to confirm the source. You may
        help ensure that you’re working with authorized entities   “Use Caution on Social Media: Take care while
        by independently verifying the identity and validity    sharing information on social media sites. Do not
        of people or organizations. Obtain official contact    provide any information about yourself online that
        information from reliable sources to demonstrate        could be used by social engineers to influence or
        your confidence in them. This easy step protects your                  misrepresent you.”
        sensitive information and offers an additional degree of
        defense against future social engineering attacks.     In today’s interconnected world, it’s crucial to exercise
                                                               caution when using social media platforms. Be cautious
          “Examine Communication: Thoroughly look over         about sharing personal information, especially sensitive
            emails,         messages, and phone calls for      ones, and adjust privacy settings to limit visibility. Social
         anything            strange or suspicious, like       engineers often use personal information to tailor
                               misspellings, grammatical       attacks, so be cautious when accepting friend requests
                                    problems, generic          from unknown individuals. Regularly review your
                                   greetings, or hurried       accounts for privacy and security settings, stay informed
                                    demands. Keep an eye       about platform updates, and educate yourself on social
                                      out for details that     engineering tactics. By taking these precautions, you can
                                        could point to a       protect your privacy, prevent identity theft, and minimize
                                                               the risks associated with social engineering attacks.
                                            possible      “
                                     A vital starting point     Examine Suspicious Behavior: Be wary of anyone
                                in identifying potential           who behaves suspiciously or who requests
                               social engineering attacks is   information or access that seems unusual. Before
                             to examine communication.          granting their requests, you should confirm their
                             Spend some time carefully                      legitimacy or objectives.”
                           going over all of your emails,      To defend against social engineering assaults, it is
                          texts, and phone calls to look       essential to ask questions about strange behavior and

                                              ICT NEPAL (Issue-3, 2023)
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