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                                      IN NEPAL

        The  changed  world  of  the  21       university  imparting  world  9.  On-going  soft  skills  trainings
        century has been demanding a new       class education  with credits       enabling  the students to meet
        taste different flavor and varieties   transfer facility in Management     the  emerging  corporate  needs
        of  approaches  to  be  served.  Yes,   and  Information Technology        beyond classrooms inputs.
        Texas College of management and        disciplines.
        IT is on it. We focus on the direct                                     10. Counselling Cell driven by
        need for the market  and industry  3.  Centrally    located,    easily     well exposed and experienced
        focused education.  Crystal clear      accessible  from and around         personality   to   assist  the
        thing is that future competitiveness   Kathmandu  valley  bestowed         students  in  academic  and
        of students depends on the quality     with    serene    environment       personal endeavors.
        of  education  they  receive.  We      free from crowd, noise and
        focus on quality education, broad      pollution.                       Also  we  are  globally  associated
        concept  of assignment  containing
        Case Study, International standard   4.  Dedicated   and     qualified  Network  EC   Council,    CISCO
        Examination,    career    oriented     faculties  with national  and  VUE, AWS Academy,  Kaspersky
        sessions,  students’  motivation       international exposures. State-  Academy, Fortinet Academy, Forth
        indoor and outdoor activities,         of-art  class  rooms  supported  Valley  and  Locally  associated
        futsal,  swimming,  job  fair,  field
        visit, skills, knowledge and           by modern technologies.          with  30+  Software,  Network,
        attitudes  of  its  graduates  so that                                  Data   Center    companies    for
                                                                                professional Training,  Internship
        they would stand at the front line   5.  Enriched  information  center   and  Job  Placement.  Bachelor
        in the competitive market.             with adequate  collection  of
                                               text books, reference  books,    in Information  Technology and
        As  well  Texas  College  of           journals, newspapers, research   Bachelor  in  Computer  Science
        Management  and  IT has several        reports and the like.            Specialization  in Cyber Security
                                                                                and Network  Technology is the
        visible reasons to be one of the                                        raising  and  hot  cake  program
        finest  and  closeable  institutions  6.  State-of-art,  well  equipped   for today. Once the student
        for higher international  education    IT labs, facilitated  lounge,
        in  Nepal.    We  provide  globally    cafeteria  providing hygienic    Graduates and has few number
        recognized degrees.                    food at affordable price.        of  Professional  certification  like
                                                                                Certified in Ethical Hacking, ISO
        1.  Academic  institution  nurtured                                     27001:2013,  ISO  27001:2022,
            and groomed by dedicated        7.  Internet  access throughout     CCNA,  CCNP,  RHCE,  Python,
            academic, corporate and social     college premises.
            personalities.                                                      Java, Laravel, Flutter, Android and
                                                                                so on provides instance job in this
                                            8.  Student  individual  ID to  market with high pay.
        2.  Collaborative    partner   of      facilitate  on-line  teaching/   This is what Texas is doing today,
            internationally     accredited     learning activities.             so International degree in Nepal.

                                               (16)        (Issue-4, 2023)
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