Page 13 - ICT_Nepal_News_4th_Edition_N1
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The following JOBS have been in high demand lately:
Software Developers/Engineers:
Python, Java, JavaScript, and Data scientists and analysts:
frameworks like Angular and Qualified people who can utilize
React are used professionally in Python, R, and machine learning
the development, creation, and approaches to extract information
By: maintenance of software applications. from huge data and enable data-
driven decision-making.
Cloud Computing Experts: Cybersecurity specialists:
Experts in developing, Experts specializing in
managing, and deploying cloud securing systems, detecting
infrastructure on systems like threats, responding to
AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud emergencies, and analyzing
are known as cloud computing risks in an ever-changing
experts. cybersecurity landscape.
DevOps Engineers: Improve Network Engineers: Experts
delivery pipelines by automating in creating and managing
software deployment and network infrastructures to
fostering collaboration between ensure secure and efficient
development and business units. connectivity.
AI and Machine Learning Full Stack Developers:
Engineers: Those with the Professionals knowledgeable in
ability to develop and apply AI both front-end (user interface)
algorithms and models as AI and and back-end (server-side)
machine learning applications development for comprehensive
grow. web applications.
UI/UX Designers: People IoT Specialists: IoT specialists
usually create visually appealing are experts in the design and
and user-friendly user interfaces administration of the growing
for websites and applications. number of internet-connected
objects in the IoT field.
Business Intelligence
(BI) Analysts: Analysts Quantum Computing
that gather, process, and Specialists: Experts in the
analyze data to offer insightful developing field of research
information for business known as quantum computing
choices are known as business are in demand for their expertise
intelligence (BI) analysts. in quantum algorithms.
It is important to keep in mind that different locations, market trends, and technological advancements may necessitate
different IT service requirements. You may get a good sense of the current demand for IT positions in a specific region
by researching market and industry trends as well as job trends.
(13) (Issue-4, 2023)