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      Want to pursue an IT Degree after your +2 !!?

  Congratulations, Recent NEB graduates! The results are in, and you’ve
  emerged victorious from the battlefield of +2 exams. As you stand on the
  doorway of higher education, it’s normal to feel like you are staring at
  a vast maze of choices. The world of higher education invites you with
  open arms, offering you a chance to shape your destiny. In this era of
  boundless technological advancement, where innovation is the heartbeat
  of progress, there’s a pathway that not only promises an exciting journey
  but also empowers you to shape the future- the kingdom of Information
  Technology (IT). Imagine transforming your love for gadgets, apps, and
  all things digital into a future where you’re the mastermind behind the
  next big innovation. The world is a digital oyster, and an IT degree could
  be the pearl that launches you into a universe of limitless possibilities.
  Think about all those times you’ve tapped, swiped, and clicked your
  way through apps and websites, wondering at the digital wonders they
  hold. Now, picture yourself as the architect of these virtual marvels,
  the mastermind behind the scenes crafting the technology that powers
  the future. If you’ve ever been curious about coding, fascinated by the
  mysterious algorithms, or simply thrilled by the idea of shaping the       By:
  digital world, then an IT degree could be your golden ticket.                 Krishna

  In this monthly edition there are extensive selection of courses,   ●    Fundamental Concepts of ICT
  discovering a world of academic opportunities. We provide several   ●    Human Computer Interaction
  different courses from the dynamic field of information and       ●      ICT Project Management
  communication technology, including: Bachelor of Information      ●      Industrial Training
  and Communication Technology(BICT),  Bachelor of Information      ●      Information System Analysis and Design
  Technology(BIT), Bachelor of Computer Science  in Information     ●      Introduction to Multimedia
  Technology(Bcs.IT), and Bachelor of Science in Information        ●      Knowledge Management
  Technology (Bsc.IT). These courses have been carefully created to   ●    Object Oriented Programming
  provide you with the information and abilities necessary in today’s   ●   Operating Systems
  quickly changing technology environment. Whether you have a passion   ●   Project Proposal
  for programming, an interest in data science, or are fascinated by the   ●   Management Information Systems
  complexity of computer systems, we have the ideal educational route to
  support your success. Join us as we use our varied array of courses to   B. Elective Subjects (21 Credit Points)
  help you shape your future.
                                                                    ●      Advanced Java Programming
  ICT (The Bachelor of Information and Communication                ●      Communication Skills
  Technology)                                                       ●      Computer Forensic
                                                                    ●      Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills
  BICT develops highly demanded ICT experts capable of innovating   ●      Fundamental of English Grammar
  technologies across various fields, viz. ICT Industry, technology,   ●   Internet Security
  e-commerce, science & research, medical, manufacturing, financial   ●    Web Economy
  institution & commerce, etc. After studying BICT one can work as
  SOFTWARE ENGINEER |DEVELOPER | ARCHITECT | TESTER;                C. Specialization Subjects (30 points)
  DevOps Professional; IOT DEVELOPER; WEB Developer;
  DATABASE Administrator; FULL STACK Developer; QA Engineer OR  ●          Agile Software Development
  ICT ENTREPRENEUR.                                                 ●      Requirements Engineering
                                                                    ●      Software Constructions
  The Bachelor of Information and Communication Technology requires   ●    Software Quality Assurance
  the completion of 123 credit points comprising:                   ●      Software Integration & Improvement
                                                                    ●      Software Architecture & Design
  A.       Core Subjects (57 Credit Points)                         ●      Software Engineering for Real Time-System
                                                                    ●      Software Testing
  ●       Computer Communication and Network                        ●      Software Engineering
  ●       Computer Ethics and Cyber Laws                            ●      Usability Engineering
  ●       Computer Programming
  ●       Computer Security                                         D. University Compulsory Subjects (9 Credit Points)
  ●       Database System
  ●       Discrete Mathematics                                      ●      Entrepreneurship in Asia
  ●       Final Project                                             ●      Information Literacy and Research Skills
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