Page 44 - Cloud Chronicles Fifth Issue
P. 44


            Varsha Das

                               AWS Success Stories:

                     Transforming Businesses through

                                            the Public Cloud

                     n today’s digitally-  the public cloud’s ability to   media and entertainment   public cloud technology to
                     driven era,         revolutionize businesses   due to their flexible    increase agility, improve
                     Organizations       and the limitless options   payment options. This   efficiency, and cut costs.
               Ifrom all sectors         it offers those willing to   helps to create new    The public cloud is used
               are increasingly using the   use it.                solutions and innovate    in healthcare for safe data
               public cloud as a driver                            faster as well as connect   storage, analysis, and
               of innovation, scalability,   In a public cloud, a   with global audiences    collaboration. Public cloud
               and cost reduction.       third-party supplier      which is the reason for   technology is being used
               The public cloud has      provides online access    becoming this service     by retail and e-commerce
               become a game-changer,    to computing resources    popular. The public cloud   businesses for supply
               enabling companies        such as servers, storage,   also provides security   chain efficiency, customer
               to revolutionize their    databases, networking,    safeguards and regulatory   analytics, and inventory
               business processes,       and software available to   compliance capabilities,   management. Through
               create unmatched          the general public. Public   assuring data security   initiatives in smart
               consumer experiences,     cloud providers charge    and compliance. These     manufacturing, predictive
               and transform their       customers depending on    figures and patterns show   maintenance, and real-
               operations. Real-world    consumption and own and  how the advantages         time data analysis, the
               success stories abound,   manage the hardware and  of using public cloud      industrial sector is pushing
               from giants of media      software infrastructure.   services are becoming    digital transformation. The
               transforming how we       There are various         more recognized by        media and entertainment
               consume information to    benefits of public cloud   businesses across        sectors are moving to the
               healthcare professionals   computing in comparison   industries, encouraging   public cloud to develop,
               enhancing patient care.   to conventional on-       them to use their potential   store, and disseminate
               In this article, we examine   premises IT infrastructure.   for development and   content. The public sector
               motivational case         Scalability, money saved,   success.                and the government are
               studies demonstrating     and Security are some                               embracing the public
               how businesses have       of them. Google Cloud     Due to its many           cloud to modernize
               used the public cloud     Platform, Microsoft       advantages, public        services, enhance citizen
               to foster innovation,     Azure, and AWS are        cloud adoption is fuelling   experiences, and reduce
               achieve scalability,      popular public cloud      expansion across          costs. Organizations
               and realize significant   services for industries   companies and sectors.    may maintain their
               cost savings. These       like banking, healthcare,   The banking and financial   competitiveness, adjust to
               examples demonstrate      retail, manufacturing, and   industries are adopting   shifting market demands,

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