Page 45 - Cloud Chronicles Fifth Issue
P. 45

and modernize their        its need for flexibility and   license deals and content   industries, Airbnb has
        operations by utilizing    creativity. By moving its   creation, expanding its   utilized cloud technology
        public cloud services.     streaming infrastructure   library of available content   to accelerate innovation.
                                   to AWS, Netflix was able   and drawing in a larger   Airbnb accessed a variety
        How to Begin with          to use a wide range of     audience.                 of cloud services and tools
        Cloud Computing?           cloud tools and services.                            by moving its infrastructure
        If you’re thinking of      As a result, they were     The case study of Netflix   to AWS. As a result,
        switching to the cloud,    able to rapidly create     is a great example of     they were able to rapidly
        there are a few moves      and implement new          how companies may         create and implement
        you need to make to get    features and continuously   use the public cloud     improvements and
        started. You must first    evolve their streaming     to promote innovation,    continuously evolve their
        decide on a cloud provider.   platform. Since the     create scalability, and   platform. Airbnb added
        To discover the cloud      cloud’s architecture is    realize cost savings.     services like personalized
        service that best suits your   adaptable and scalable,   Netflix now has access   suggestions, complex
        demands, it is crucial to   it has allowed companies   to a scalable and flexible   search filters, and real-
        examine the various ones   like Netflix to launch new   platform that enables   time chat by utilizing the
        that are accessible.       features like personalized   it to handle massive    adaptability of the cloud,
                                   recommendations,           traffic levels, innovate   improving the overall user
                                   interactive content, and   continually, and cut costs   experience and increasing
        You must set up an         adaptive streaming quality.  as a result of shifting its   customer happiness.
        account and supply your                               streaming infrastructure to
        cloud resources after                                 AWS. By demonstrating     Airbnb used the public
        selecting a cloud provider.   The requirement to      the revolutionary impact   cloud to scale at a
        This method is usually     manage a vast volume of    of cloud technology       never-before-seen rate.
        straightforward and takes   concurrent viewers during   in fostering growth     Due to AWS’s flexible
        only a few minutes to      peak hours was one of the   and maintaining          architecture, booking
        do. Once you’ve created    major difficulties Netflix   competitiveness in today’s   processes for hosts and
        your cloud resources,      faced. Netflix was able    digital environment,      guests worldwide were
        you can start moving your   to scale its infrastructure   Netflix’s success in   made simple and efficient.
        applications and data      dynamically in response to   embracing the public cloud   Due to its scalability,
        to the cloud. While this   demand by moving to the    offers an encouraging     Airbnb expanded its
        approach goes a long       public cloud, more notably   example for businesses   services internationally and
        way, you have a variety    AWS. Netflix was able to   across industries.        handled the rapid platform
        of tools at your disposal.   scale down thousands of                            growth. The public cloud
        Some of the inspiring case   servers during times of                            also reduced reliance on
        studies that show how      low demand and spin up                               physical infrastructure and
        organizations from various   thousands during times                             maintenance expenditures,
        industries have leveraged   of heavy traffic thanks to                          significantly reducing costs.
        the public cloud are:      AWS’s elastic computing                              Pay-as-you-go pricing
                                   features, assuring a                                 enables Airbnb to minimize
                                   flawless streaming                                   costs by repurposing funds
                                   experience for consumers                             for advertising, customer
                                   everywhere. Due to the                               service, and service
                                   scalability of the cloud,                            provision.
                                   Netflix was able to reach
        Netflix – Leveraging       millions of viewers across   Airbnb Scaling          Airbnb’s case study
        the public cloud for       numerous platforms and     Hospitality Services      demonstrates how
        innovation, Scalability,                              with Cloud Agility        businesses can leverage
        and cost saving.                                      Airbnb, a well-known online   public cloud, specifically
        Global streaming titan     Additionally, the public   marketplace for short-term   AWS, to drive innovation,
        Netflix has revolutionized   cloud allowed Netflix to   lodging, has been able to   achieve scalability, and
        the entertainment sector by   significantly reduce costs.   use innovation, achieve   save money. By adopting
        leveraging the power of the   By choosing the pay-    scalability, and minimize   a pay-as-you-go business
        public cloud. Netflix has   as-you-go methodology,    expenses with the support   model, Airbnb continuously
        shown how businesses       Netflix only had to pay    of the public cloud. Airbnb   improved its platform,
        can promote innovation,    for the resources they     has transformed the       expanded its infrastructure,
        achieve scalability, and   used. Netflix’s operations   hotel industry by utilizing   and reduced costs. This
        save money by utilizing the   were able to scale more   cloud computing, notably   success can inspire other
        cloud infrastructure offered   successfully since it was   Amazon Web Services   hospitality enterprises
        by Amazon Web Services     no longer required to make   (AWS).                  to adopt cloud agility,
        (AWS).                     early capital commitments.                           transforming established
                                   By lowering infrastructure   To keep ahead of the    business models and
        Netflix’s move to the public   expenses, Netflix could   competition in the travel   providing an edge in the
        cloud was motivated by     devote more money to       and accommodation         digital age.
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