Page 46 - Cloud Chronicles Fifth Issue
P. 46

were hastened by elastic   security posture thanks to   cost savings. Slack can
                                          scalability, producing     the public cloud.          consistently innovate
                                          quicker insights and                                  and provide its users
               Johnson & Johnson:         innovation. Johnson &                                 with new services thanks
               Advancing Healthcare       Johnson was able to        Slack depends on the       to its reliance on AWS.
               Innovation                 devote those savings       public cloud, notably,     The public cloud’s elastic
               The American global firm   toward research and        Amazon Web Services        scalability guarantees
               Johnson & Johnson (J&J)    development as a result    (AWS), to sustain its      that Slack can meet the
               creates, produces, and     of the pay-as-you-go       large user base and        demands of its quickly
               sells pharmaceuticals,     model’s lower operational   guarantee continuous      expanding user base.
               medical equipment,         costs, which resulted in   operation. Slack can       Additionally, the public
               consumer packaged          additional advancements in   develop and quickly      cloud’s affordability
               goods, and other related   healthcare.                roll out new features      enables Slack to
               commodities. Johnson &                                and capabilities to its    optimize spending
               Johnson, a multinational   Johnson & Johnson’s        consumers by embracing     and direct resources
               healthcare company, saw    excellent usage of the     the cloud. The ability to   toward improving its
               the public cloud’s potential   public cloud demonstrates   build and deploy updates   collaboration product.
               to promote innovation,     how corporations may       quickly and seamlessly     Slack has transformed
               achieve scalability, and   employ cloud technologies   is made possible by the   team communication and
               realize cost savings.      to stimulate innovation,   public cloud, allowing     collaboration through its
               It became easier for       achieve scalability, and   Slack to maintain its      cloud-driven methodology,
               Johnson & Johnson to       realize cost savings.      position as a leader       enabling businesses to
               speed up its research and   Johnson & Johnson’s       in team collaboration      operate more effectively
               development efforts with   partnership with AWS       software. Slack frequently   and efficiently.
               the help of Amazon Web     improved their research    rolls out cutting-edge
               Services (AWS). Johnson    skills, sped up the drug   features that improve
               & Johnson was able to      discovery process, and     collaboration, productivity,
               access scalable computer   advanced customized        and communication for
               resources and cutting-     medicine. They were        businesses all around the
               edge analytics tools by    able to handle enormous    world by utilizing AWS
               using the public cloud.    datasets and scale         services and technologies.
               This made it possible for   resources in response
               them to store and analyse   to demand thanks to the   Slack benefits from
               vast amounts of medical    public cloud’s scalability.   the scalability of public
               data, including genetic                               clouds, which enables it
               and clinical trial data, to                           to manage exponential
               advance the development                               user growth and offer
               of personalized medicine                              a smooth experience.       NASA’s Jet Propulsion
               and new drug discovery                                Thanks to AWS’s global     Laboratory (JPL)
               techniques. The public                                architecture and elastic   NASA’s Jet Propulsion
               cloud gave Johnson &                                  scalability, slack can save   Laboratory (JPL) is
               Johnson’s researchers                                 expenses, pay only for     a key research and
               and scientists the                                    resources used, and take   development center
               computational capability                              advantage of economies     responsible for designing,
               and flexibility they needed                           of scale. Because of the   developing, and operating
               to handle big information                             lower operating expenses   robotic spacecraft and
               and gather insightful                                 and increased focus on     instruments. However,
               knowledge that resulted                               innovation, Slack can      the vast amount of data
               in ground-breaking         Slack: Enabling            make more investments      collected from various
               breakthroughs.             Collaboration and          in product development     missions, including images,
                                          Communication with         and new ideas. Additional   telemetry, sensor readings,
               Johnson & Johnson          Public Cloud               advantages of using the    and scientific observations,
               used the public cloud to   Slack, a popular           public cloud for Slack are   poses a challenge in
               get beyond on-premises     cloud-based program        Global reach, reliable     analyzing and extracting
               infrastructure’s constraints,   with millions of users   uptime, and continuous   meaningful insights. To
               enabling demand-based      worldwide, was initially   innovation.                address this, JPL has
               dynamic scaling of         created on-site but later                             partnered with Amazon
               computer resources. This   adapted to the public cloud   Slack’s successful use of   Web Services (AWS), a
               facilitated effective data   for better requirements.   the public cloud serves   leading cloud computing
               processing and sped up     Slack was able to scale    as an example of how       provider, to offer powerful
               the time it took for new   its infrastructure to meet   businesses can use       computing capabilities,
               drugs and therapies        demand, roll out new       cloud technologies to      scalable storage solutions,
               to reach the market.       features and services more   spur innovation, achieve   and a wide range of data
               Research and development   quickly, and strengthen its   scalability, and realize   analytics tools.

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