Page 32 - ICT Nepal News Issue 01
P. 32

More time to not remember       require bio-authentication,  such as  bother with it,  and established
           passwords.  Passwords in the       a fingerprint swipe, which prevents  enough that sophisticated  attacks
           hands of a third  party.           lost or stolen phones from being   seek to exploit it. A username  and
              Consider  that LastPass suffered  a  used to falsely issue confirmations,  password  may seem like just a bit
           data breach in 2Ot5 where sensitive  Most cloud apps offer 2FA nory   of data you toss into the cloud
           information  was acquired by hackers.  with many traditional applications  whenevef but the consequences  of
           The encrypted master password      following suit. lt's worth taking a few  compromise are very real, and can be
           was not compromised,  but much     extra seconds every time you login  legal, financial and personal. Or they
           other important information  was.  to know that even if your password  can be funny, like when the official
           The important thing to remember    is hacked,  nobody can access  your  NFL Twitter account  was hacked to
           is that password  managers are not  accounts.                         make greatly exaggerated claims  of
           magic--  you're simply outsourcing                                    Roger Goodell's death.According
           the protection of your passwords  to  9. Don't leave dny open windows  to the hackers,  they "got the NFlls
           someone  else.                        There's a  classic cartoon  gag  Twitter password by hacking the
                                              where one of the characters struggles  email account  of an employee  who
           8. Use Two-Foctor Authenticotion   for a long time to pick a lock on a  handles social media."  Take care
           Whenever  Possible                 door while the other character  just  of your password like you would
              The one account  of Zuckerberg's  goes in through an open window.  your driver's license  or debit card.
           that didn't get breached was his   Don't let this be the case with your  Following  the steps we've outlined
           lnstagram,  and that's  because    data. Consider whether  there are  here will help protect you against
           "lnstagram's  security systems     other accounts with access to the  the most common  types of account
           prevented that account  from being  same information you're  protecting.  hacks, but security  is a habit, and
           accessed."  This could refer to a few  Are they as secure as yours?  What  keeping it in the forefront of your
           things, but likely means the two-  about  integrations?  Did you try out  mind when  using the internet will
           factor a uthentication  (2 FA) I nstagra m  that hilarious face swapping  app that  always  pay off.
           set up in February  of this year.  requested access to your Twitter  and
              Probably one of  the most       Facebook and photos? Does it still
           important mechanisms  available,   have access to your account?  Most
                                                                                     You might have read about
           2FA, as its name  implies,  prevents  cloud services will let you track what
                                                                                   Facebook founder  and user
           the  compromise  of  a  single     third party integrations have access
                                                                                   Mark Zuckerberg's  social media
           authentication  factor (the password)  and remove  whatever is unnecessary.
                                                                                   accou  nts getting  " hacked".
           from compromising the account.     lf you're using a public computer;
                                                                                   Hacked is maybe  not the right
           The mechanism  typically  works    be sure to close the entire browser  word here, since many people
           by  requesting  the  traditional   process when you're done. Failure    believe  Zuck's password  was
           login information, then sending  a  to do so could leave your session
                                                                                  amount the 117 million leaked
           confirmation  to a device, usually a  cookies available for the next person,  Linkedln  passwords  recently
           smartphone, such as a text, phone  who wouldn't  even need to log in to  posted  online. lf this is true,
           call, or in-app security  verification  access you r i nformation.      it means the Zuckerberg  used
           screen. ldeally, only the authorized                                   the same password  for multiple
           person would have the smartphone   conclusion                          websites, allowing the damage
           and could then accept or reject the   Digital identity  management  is  done by the Linkedln  hack to
           a uthentication  requests as necessa  ry.  in that weird place between new  spread  into other  areas. lf you
           More advanced mechanisms  can      enough that many people don't        have a want a job, chances
                                                                                  are you also have a Linkedln
                                                                                  account,  and if you had one
                                                                                  back in 2072, it was probably
                                                                                  one of the compromised
                                                                                  accounts  from that incident.
                                                                                  Do you still use the password
                                                                                  anywhere? Our 9 step  password
                                                                                  security checklist  will help you
                                                                                  secure your accounts,  whether
                                                                                  you'r  a billonaire  CEO or just
                                                                                  someone  who likes to post
                                                                                  funny cat videos.

                                                 (32) IImNEPAL (January  201.7)
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