Page 35 - ICT Nepal News Issue 01
P. 35
from our Docker Registry to our
Docker hosts. Contents are ready to tJl
q) -e4 ffi
run enabling the fastest time from ul _4.*dr ffi=
E ffi
Docker run to processing results. ln n,,, d* ffi
the immutable Docker model, there w"
is no need for dynamic compilation wffi
of code. l!}Lj:::i.-ii- ffi.
The content we place in this
image would be limited to the
Client Docker Host Docker Registry
binaries and content needed to
run the application. For example,
the published output using ASP.NET Core and Docker using npm experience in software development
publish which contains the compiled npm install -g yo generator-aspnet and application support using
binaries, images, .js and .css files. generator-docker Microsoft technologies in Web
Over the time, we will see images application development framework
that contain pre-jitted packages. Suxnmary development, CMS, e-Commerce,
Though there are multiple Using the Docker generator to SaaS architecture application
versions of the .NET Core image, they add the necessary files to our Web design with various mid-level ERP
all share one or more layers. The API application makes the process applications, Government MIS and
amount of disk space needed to store simple to create the development media. He is a Microsoft Certified
or the delta to pull from your registry and production versions of the Developer.
is much smaller than the whole images. The tooling is cross platform Alok works as a Chief Technology
because all of the images share the by also providing a PowerShell script Officer with Braindigit lt Solution,
same base layer and potentially to accomplish the same results on Pvt. Ltd. He is responsible for
others. Windows and Visual Studio Code designing application architecture
Fr*:r:**grxisit*s integration providing step through and providing solutions for technical
To build and run, you will a few debugging of the application within challenges, continuous integration,
things installed: the container. By understanding and deployment.
o .[\ET Core the image variants and the target Active contributor and Founder
. Docker to run your Docker scenarios, we can optimize our of ASP.NET Community, regularly
containers locally inner-loop development process, organize meetup workshops for the
. Yeoman generator for while achieving optimized images for techies.
ASP.NET for creating the Web API prod uction deployments. Alok is o writer, blogger, speoker,
application and open source contributor.
o Yeoman generator for Docker Alok Kumar Pandey is a Microsoft You cdn find him on Twitter at @
from Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP). olokpandey0T. To discuss dny more,
lnstall the Yeoman generators for He has more than 15 years of email him at
ber us For: H
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:.+ i mputer, Accessories & Mqinlenonce Service
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