Page 36 - ICT Nepal News Issue 01
P. 36

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            Outsourci*g and prospect

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                                          Growth  of Outsourcing               lT-services, shorten i ng ti me-to-ma rket
                                             Long has gone the days, when  lT  for new lT services, unearthing  new
                                          operations were  just limited inside  lT gems around the world and many
                                          on departs or inside  a company.     others factors.
                                          Nowadays,  lT outsourcing  has become
                                                                                 Cross{rganizational  Cross-Border
                                          integral part of any business. Not     el]@eetun!!@trfMffi#  (44$kk lktM*   h&/a4nl@sb,l!#k&Ibfi4ry)#
                                                                                                 W$B{+a+*.Jlstkr1  [*rrrk  lBe!(rI]
                                          only business firms,  but lT companies  h$sr&S  .  ri*{,!M{snf   i}n*e   "  1*Mdi?Gi}46}ry)
                                                                                     "  irdniat#r.ryry!
                                                                                                    '  $t@rkn*am:ryi
                                          are also utilizing the benefits of lT
                                             lT outsourcing can be defined as
                                          the process of involvement  in the
                                          partnership with the third  parties  to
                                          perform lT tasks and process of an
              Er. Suresh Bhottoroi        organization.
                                          lnitial Goal of Outsourcing
                                             Certain  aspects of lT jobs were
                                          a strategic move to focus on core     (ln/Oritissurci.B tisn  {0illol$shora  S, Cianl lleadquartaru
                                          competences  so that business houses
                                          did not have to manage short term    Figure: U nderstanding Offshore
                                          resources or non-central goal of     Outsourcing (Source: Chakrabarty,  S.
                                          institution. But continuous success  2006)
                                          of outsourcing  has provided new       The Journey to New Lands:  Utilizing
                                          benefits for the outsourcing companies  the Global  lT Workforce through
                                          bydecreasing  total cost of ownership of  Offshore-lnsourcing. ln P. Young, & S.

                                                 (36) nmNEPAL (|anuary  20L7)
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