Page 34 - ICT Nepal News Issue 01
P. 34
Now a days Docker is verY PoPular the same Linux kernel as the sYstem Operation of conta i nerized
in Dev/Ops. Thus, it is crucial to know that they are running on and onlY applications has three broad
about using Docker with .NET and requires applications be shipped with priorities--Development, Build and
what Docker is all about. things not already running on the Production.
host computer. This gives a significant
What is Docker? performance boost and reduces the Development (How fast can we
ln a simpler sense, Docker is size of the application. iterate changes and the abilitY to
Most importantlY, Docker is oPen debug the changes?)
source where anyone can contribute The size of the image is not as
to Docker and extend it to meet their important; rather can we make
own needs if they need additional changes to our code and see them
features that are not available oui of quickly. Some of our tools, like Yo
the box. Docker for use in VS Code uses this
image during develoPment time.
docker Containers Vs. VMs
C0fittiners are, ieolated, Build: (What's needed to comPile
the world's leading software bul shrre SS and, where our app?)
apsrspr iate. birrslllhrariet
contai nerization platform. This includes the comPiler and
It is a tool designed to make it any other dependencies to optimize
easier to create, dePloY, and run the binaries. This image is not the
applications by using containers. image we deploy, rather it is an image
Containers allow a develoPer to we use to build the content we Place
package up an application with all of Docker for Developers into a production image. This image
the parts it needs, such as libraries would be used in our continuous
and other dependencies, and then integration, or build environment.
For instance, rather than installing
ship it all out as one package. BY
doing so, thanks to the container, all the dependencies directlY on a
the developer can rest assured that build agent, the build agent would
the application will run on any other instance a build image to compile the
Linux machine regardless of anY application with all the dependencies
customized settings that machine When building Docker images for required to build the app contained
might have which could differ from developers, we focuson three major within the image. Our build agent
the machine used for writing and aspects: only needs to know how to run this
testing the code. o lmaBes used to develoP .NET Docker image.
ln a way, Docker is a bit like a Core apps
virtual machine. But unlike a virtual . lmages used to build .NET Production: (How fast we can
machine, rather than creating a Core aPPs deploy and start our image?)
whole virtual operating sYstem, . lmages used to run .NET This image is small so it can
Docker allows applications to use Core aPPs quickly travel across the network
t34) ITTINEPAL (fanuarY 20Lv)