Page 38 - ICT Nepal News Issue 01
P. 38

environment,  and people  skills and
           availability.  Apart from this, presence
           of Sri Lanka at fourteenthplace
           highlights use of criteria and provides                                           d.*
           an outline  on how upcoming
           outsourcing destination  should
           strategize  for themselves. Presence                                                          {*
           of Pakistan  at twenty-eighth place                                                       ffi  \,//
           should be good remainder for Nepal
                                                                                                    A.{mns  App
           that country  instability  should not                                                    raffrSmR   ,a{fi'  es,{st:s
           derail the motivation  of country  as
           it does not seem to be impacting on
           choice of outsourcing companies.

            Why lndia is a Top Outsourcing
              As indicated earlier, lndia has
           developed as top outsourcing       those Companies to lndia and in turn  one of the preferred outsourcing
           destination  not because of their huge  increasing  lndia image as better lT  destination,  then these companies
           population,  but due to roadmap    solution  provider.               would have been making  impact
           created by their government to       --Finally,  lndian parliament's  locally  and internationally  as well
           make it one of so. We can outline  decision to pass lT Act 2000 was  with sustainable  model.
           following points as major steps taken  major step to protect  companies  Similarly,  there are huge
           by lndian  government  to develop lT  from cybercrimes  and thus increasing  numbers  of freelancers,  who lack
           hype, infrastructure,  resource  pools  faith on doing business in lndia.  identity among the job providers
           and set standards  to attract foreign                                because Nepal as outsourcing
           companies  who were looking  to    Possible lmpact  on Nepal         destination  has failed to create its
           outsource  lT services.              We talked about outsourcing,    own identity  till now. Still these
              --lndian government  took no time  preferred outsou rci ng desti nation  healthy number of Freelancers
           to indicate lT is future of lndia and  and how they have achieved  it. But  must fight against Freelancers from
           they did it so by making lT sector as  how is this related  to Nepal?  lndia, China, Bangladesh and so on,
           one of their topfive priority.       Nepal has always been a country  who are already  established name
              -- Back in May 22,1998,         with lot of potential  which  has never  in outsourcing countries andlor
           lndian government  established  a  been realized. Similarly,  lT sector is  companies.
           'National  lT Task Force and Software  one of those sectors in Nepal, which  Hence, there is a need to
           Development'which is mandated to   needed to be explored  fully to utilize  create  an environment  for Nepal
           develop National lT Policy to promote  its full potential  for prosperity  of the  lT companies  and freelancers to
           the lT growth in lndia.            country.                          stand  among these elite outsourcing
              --Yet another  major step by lndian  Capability  of lT resources  in Nepal  destinations, which is only possible
           government  was to set up a Ministry  is now well known. Established  through  support and participation
           of lnformation  Technology, which  has  and sustained  business entities  like  from government  level. Apart from
           been great help to expedite approval  Verisk  I nformation  Tech nologies  this, there is equally a need of right
           and implementation  of lT projects  (Now  Verscend),  DeerWalk  Services,  platform,  where only Nepalese
           and at the same time, has been    Yomari, Nepasoft  Solutions, F1Soft  companies  and Freelancers can fight
           streamlining  regulation for better  lnternational  and many others  with each other  and yet create  own
           governance.                        provides  sufficient credibility  to lT  identity among  international  entities
              --Apart from outsourcing, offshore  resources of Nepal. Apart from that,  and local one as well. lf Nepal can be
           insourcing has also been another  alumni from several Nepalese  lT   established  among top outsourcing
           attractive  model in outsourcing   institute  working  in different higher  destination,  it can bring multiple
           business where  big companies  like  position in reputed companies   positive impact in the country  like
           to setup its own entity in offshore  provides  another  evidence.    technical revolution,  economic
           location. So, lndian government      But still there are lot of other  growth  and development  of
           has permitted 100 percent foreign  highly  capable  companies  who are  entrepreneur  attitude,  a mong  others.
           equity  in company registered in lndia,  struggling  to make impact and run  To discuss ony more, email him at
           which has helped  them to attract  a sustainable business. lf Nepal was  s kbh atto ra i  @  g m o i l. co m.

                                                 [38)  ]IFl NEPAL  []anuary  20L7)
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