Page 25 - ICT Nepal News Issue 02
P. 25
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prioritize their'ti me-sensitive' ?s 29 gO'V
communication," Bennett said. "And
by keeping work email where it l+ f'" rb
belongs-at work-it allows me to
truly unwind at home." '$
Gene Richardson, COO of Experts
Exchange, said his philosophy is that
work time is work time, personal
time is personal time, and the two
should not overlap, except in the case
of an emergency. Employees in jobs
that require them to be available in
off-hours should be compensated
appropriately, Richardson said.
the day, or wait until the next day to how to harness that to make their
"The most important thing I do
follow up if a great work idea strikes employees' lives easier."
every day when I get home from
late at night."
work is to put my phone in the
5. Prioritize work and persona!
master bedroom and leave it there till
3. Turn off autopilot tasks equally
the morning," said Ryan Bartlett, CEO
Sometimes when you're racing GoDaddy's Chief Product Officer
at SEO Direct. "l've seen a noticeable
to finish your to-do list, it's easy to Steven Aldrich recommends treating
difference in my relationship with my
go into autopilot mode until you personal and professional tasks with
wife and kids since I started doing
complete your work. Taking a few equal levels of importance. "Block
this. l'm present, and my head is up,
breaks will actually help you work off time on your calendar for your
not down."
more efficiently and effectively. Once daughter's soccer game and treat it
you've completed a big task, get with the same preparation and sense
2. Allow for flexible schedules
up from your desk to stretch, grab of urgency as a team meeting," he
Flexible hours and work from
something to drink, and just refresh said.
home schedules give managers and
your brain before moving onto the Shawn Boyer, founder and CEO of
team members the flexibility needed
next thing. DieHappy, also recommends putting
to more smoothly balance the
personal plans into your calendar, just
intersection between work and life,
4. Automate what you can as you would work events. "When
said Suvas Vajracharya, founder and
Tech leaders should seek to someone asks you to do a meeting or
CEO of Lightning Bolt Solutions. His
automate simple tasks to save time a call for work, you can legitimately
employees work from home two days
and energy, Bennett said. "Everything just say to them, 'Sorry, I already
per week, and are in the office three
these days has an API or is have another commitment then,"' he
days per week. "lt has proven to be a
scriptable, so I automate everything said. "For most of us, if it isn't on the
nice balance that offers flexibility and
I can," he said. "This starts with our calendar; it isn't going to happen."
also reduced commute times, but we
development processes. Everyth ing
also benefit from our time together
we deploy is automated, which 6. Exercise regularly
in the officeengaging with each other
means that hours of manual Iabor "When you need to think
in-person allows us to maintain our
has been replaced with the click of a creatively or clear your head, get up
office culture," Vajracharya said.
button." and move," said Aldrich. "A Stanford
Fred Schebetsa, co-founder
Bennett also recommends study showed that people generate
and CEO of, says C-suite
employing automation at a micro 60Yo more creative ideas while
members should take advantage of
level, using tools like Outlook rules to walking."
the flexibility technology allows. "l
manage his inbox. Randy Wootton, CEO of Rocket
think the idea of a traditional 9-5 or
"Companies should provide Fuel, said that while true work/
set blocks of time for work and play
tools to their employees that help life balance is difficult for senior
is antiquated and not conducive to
them maximize their work hours executives to achieve, his goal each
productivity or creativity," he said.
by automating the busy work day is to manage his energy to be
"Thanks to technology, we can plug
associated with their jobs," said fully present from morning until
into work anywhere and at any time
Mike Puterbaugh, CMO of Ziflow. evening. Early morning exercise
which enables us to be more flexible.
"Automation is clearly a hot topic is one way to do this: "l wake up
That means we don't necessarily
right now, so it should be top of early each day to ride my bike or
have to skip something personally
mind for managers to consider run before jumping into a day full of
important that might be on during
[25) IITI NEPAL (Vol-1, Issue-2, 201,7)