Page 24 - ICT Nepal News Issue 02
P. 24

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           IffWK                                                                     R

                isconnecting  after work,     on, finding the  Proper  work/life   "ln the tech world, the onlY
                allowing flexible schedules,  and  balance  is essential,  exPerts  saY.  way to truly achieve anY kind of
                prioritizing  personal  events  as  "lt's  possible to be a tech leader  work/life  balance  is to disconnect,"
           much  as work are all keYs to finding  a  and to make time for taking care  Tuchscherer  said. "We set and
           balance, tech professionals  saY.  of yourself," said William  C. Fisher,  encourage  times to not check email
              The overworked tech CEO is now  president of Quicksilver  Software, lnc.  or projects. For example,  after 5:30 or
           a cultural trope for a reason: OnlY  "But, it takes a willingness to make  6:00 pm, refrain from checking  Your
           65% of tech workers said theY were  that a top priority and schedule  the  work email, and don't log into the
           satisfied  with their work-life  balance,  time."                    VPN on weekends."
           according  to a recent surveY from    Here are tiPs from C-suite        Jake Bennett, CTO of POP, said
           Comparably.  This is a  Problem,   as  members in the tech industrY  on how  he sets the following  expectations
           constant  work and the resulting   they maintain a balance.          with his boss and colleagues  about
                                                                                 com municating after-hours:  For
           stress can lead to health  Problems
           such as impaired  sleeP,  dePression,  1. Set email exPectations      something time sensitive,  theY can
           diabetes,  and heart disease-which    Follow France's  examPle and set  call his cell, but for anYthing  else,
           not only hurt the emPloYee, but also  limits for yourself and your staff in  they can send an email knowing he
           the company,  in terms of turnover  terms of when  PeoPle   should be  will answer in the morning.
           and rising health allowance/insurance  available  outside of work hours,  said  "When  people have to actuallY
           costs.                             Mark Tuchscherer,  president of Geeks  call you after-hours to contact  You,
              Despite the pressure to be alwaYs  Chicago.                        they tend to more aPProPriatelY

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