Page 22 - ICT Nepal News Issue 02
P. 22

Tips  ,

                               Scrfety tlps

         Mohon H. Dohol
         CAN Federation
         (Member,  Cyber
         Security Committee)

            2lst century  has been tech     of your accounts is like having one  cause  you any harm. But if a web
         shabby. Digitization all over the  key that unlocks  every door in your  site is storing  personal  information,
         world has made human  to move into  life. lt would be extremely  unwise  especially  credit card or financial
         the different mediums like social  for a person  to just  rely on one key  information,  then it needs to have its
         media,  websites, email to share   to unlock  the doors to their home,  own unique password.
         the information. Moving further    their car; their office and their safety  lf you have any of the following
         it has become  the part of the life.  deposit box, because if that key were  types of accounts,  you should use
         As Joseph  Joubert says 'We must   to get lost, it would  simultaneously  unique, strong passwords, for each:
         respect the past, and mistrust the  create multiple high-risk  situations  Your email account,  Your college/
         present, if we wish to provide for  that need to be addressed  quickly.  u n iversity accou nts (pa rticu  la rly,
         the safety of the future.' the people  The same  principle  applies  your NetlD), Online bank account,
         needs to be careful what they are  for when people reuse the same    Online credit  card account and Your
         doing. Simple  awareness towards   password  for their email, their bank  social media accounts.  Any account
         your  usage  in social media can save  account,  their credit cards, and social  that stores  personal  data about you
         you from much more hamper and      media  accounts. lf you use the same  (home address, fi nancia I information,
         damage  in life. Following are the 5  login credentials across the lnternet,  etc). Any account  that someone
         safety tips that you can save yourself  then it won't take long for a savvy  could post information in your name
         from massive loss.                 hacker to identify multiple places  that would be damaging  to your
                                            they can use your stolen password.  reputation.
               . Use a strong,  unique         It is crucial  to use different
               password                     passwords for different  types of       . Social  Media - Be careful
                  Do you have the same      accounts.  This doesn't  mean  every    what you post!
         password  for multiple accounts?  lf  single account you have online  needs   What clicks on your mind
         yes, then it might give you a problem.  its own password.  You can reuse  a  when  'social media'words  strike
            Using the same password  for all  password  on web sites that can't  on you mind? Facebook, Twitter,

                                            Q4  fiIIINEPAL  [Vol-L,  Issue-2,  201.7)
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