Page 26 - ICT Nepal News Issue 02
P. 26

meetings," Wootton  said. "This time
          allows me to think about what I want
          to accomplish  that day and to wrestle
          with problems and/or ideas for an
          extended period of time. I also find
          the energy  boost I get from exercising
          first thing helps fuel me through mY

          7. fake  your vacation  time
             A recent poll conducted bY
           NPR, the Robert Wood  Johnson
           Foundation and Harvard  University
           found that about half of Americans
           who work 50+ hours  Per  week saY
           they don't take all or most  of the
           vacation  time they've  earned.  Among
           those who do take vacations,  30%
           said they do a significant amount of
           work while away.
              Mike Beach,  CEO of marketing
           tech agency Cardwell Beach,       transformed  into something  a bit  attending  my kid's activities,  I find
           called this phenomenon  "vacation  closer to a 60-hour week,  You  owe  time for activities  I personally enjoy,"
           machismo," and said that it's based                                  he said. "l played the  Piano  in the
           in the fear of falling behind in the  it to yourself to review the issue.  past and have recentlY taken uP
                                             Get to the bottom of where the
           competitive  tech industrY. "lt's                                    lessons again.  I find it is a relaxing
           unsustainable,  it's bad for our health,  majority of your time is being  spent  way to take mY mind away from work
                                             during your work daY to allow for
           our creativity  and our productivity,                                and use another Part  of mY brain  to
           and yes, it's ultimately  detrimental  to  increased  time management  and  focus on something  creative."
                                              productivity. lf  You  find  Yourself
           the bottom line," Beach said. "So step                                  Part of making "me time" means
         tffN                                                                   having  a strong suPPort  sYstem  in
                 ('When    people have to actually call you                     place, said Maria Merce Martin,
        #ffi     after-hours to contactYour  they tend to                       CEO of Optime Consulting. "Being  a
                                                                                business owner  of a tech company
               more appropriately prioritize their           (time-             and a dedicated  mother and wife,  I
                                sensitive'  communic  ation       r"            have learned that in order to do it all,
                                                                      WW        we must stop trying  to control it all,"
                                                                                she said. "Having  the right support
                                              wasting the majoritY of           team I trust in business and personal
           one: take your damn  vacation daYs,                                  life brings the added  value needed
                                              your time managing  Your  inbox or in
           and support  your team in doing so!  meetings, it maY be time for some  for achieving goals."
           When your work is  Your  whole  life,
                                              restructu  ring.
           both suffer."                                                         1O. Learn the  Power  of saYin$
              When you do go on vacation, trY
                                              9. Make'me time'                  "nott
           to go off the grid. "With technology,                                   You have a busY daY ahead  of
                                                 Protecting  your "me time" is keY
           what it is these daYs, it's easier  for work/life balance,  said Aldrich.  you, and yet  You  still accePted that
           said than done, but if  You're  trYing                                conference-call  i nvitation.  Someti  mes
                                              "Block time on your calendar
           to relax on vacation, lounging bY  dedicated to relaxing, reading or  we forget how imPortant  it is to saY
           the pool or sunning  on the beach,  exercise,"  he said. "SPend a few  "no" when we're busY. While  it isn't
           try to pick a sPot without  Wi-Fi so
                                              hours  doing something  You  enjoY.  always  possible to turn down  every
           you're not tempted  to work," said                                    meeting  invitation,  try your best to
            Simon Slade,  CEO and co-founder of  Feel comfortable  turning down
                                              events  or hapPY hour to focus on  You  make a case when  You're   esPeciallY
            SaleHoo.                                                             busy. For examPle,  You  can ask to
                                              at least once  a week."
                                                 Craig MalloY, CEO of Lifesize,  leave early or have someone share
            8. Critique  yourself
                                              agreed. "ln addition  to alwaYs    meeting  notes with  You.
               lf your 40-hour  week has

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