Page 37 - ICT Nepal News Issue 02
P. 37
countries like Nepal, poor the basic knowledge on children's activity on the
digital access, institutional cyber security. Reports say internet such as Facebook,
instability and regime that some innocent people Twitter, etc. which may
instability are the main are even ready to share cause problems since, the
causes of cyber security their private information children could be targeted
blunders. like birthdays, phone for cybercriminal activities.
numbers and locations Besides, many cybercrimes
Rapid inueose in the after subtle persuasion, of are not reported even after
lnternet users. which, hackers can easily being noticed in order to ui..,r.,;t;.t.,",r,,
According to lnternet take advantage of. be secure from clients' ?;iiva. ,lt{!rirt1r,r I
Service Providers (lSPs), the A lot of effort is made concern. ManY
number of people engaged by the Central lnvestigation awareness
in the lnternet is increasing Bureau (ClB) aeainst cyber- Nepal's government ,s otogtams are
bV 50% annually. The study attacks. The Cyber Law expected to give more
shows that in 2000 AD, only Act of 2006/2007 has attention. conducted
35,000 people in Nepal declared hacking, stealing Along with the
used the internet. But the data, pirating software, government, lnformation
number increased to 10 and posting defamatory Security Response Team
times by 2009. There are information online as Nepal ( aware of
a number of reasons that being criminals and civil and lT professionals should -
has boosted up this trend offenses. Under this law, cond uct progra ms rega rdi ng
in Nepal. ln the business the government can punish Cyber Security on timely Increasing
organizations, arou nd 30% cyber-offenders with up to basis for the lT people so awateness.
employee are engaged in 5 years of imprisonment that they may understand capability
internet services whereas and fine up to 51,000 their weaknesses and
among the international depending on the severity. make their business secure
and private home users Many awareness and for the general public mechanism
the penetration of programs are conducted in so that they could be
internet is around 20% Nepalto make people aware protected from cyber risks
and is increasing rapidly. of Cyber Crimes. lncreasing and crimes. Then only the enforcement
Many schools, colleges, awareness, capability and motto of Cyber Security aa
agencles ls a
and computer training response mechanism for would be achieved and our
institutes are also using law enforcement agencies cyber activities would be in
internet facilities to provide is a must priority. strong position.
qualitative market friendly Many sectors like Author: Chiranjibi
education to the students banking, hospital, army Adhikari (Founder of
which has also increased camp, police camp, lnformotion Security
the use of the internet. So, government offices, Response Teom Nepol ond -
we are accumulating a large etc. are using genuine ICT Frdme)
number of data every day, software, VPN, firewalls;
and it has become essential awareness on password
for us to secure our data. updating policies and
Now let's discuss about the proper backup systems
reasons behind cybercrime highly available with SAN
vulnerabilities in Nepal. and VMware technologies.
ln April of 20L4, Microsoft
Online security is d had stopped supporting
challenge. Windows XP after it was
It is because, most of identifi ed that the operati ng
the people do not have system had the highest
appropriate knowledge on number of vulnerabilities.
how to keep their account Similarly, pen drives are also
secure. At times, even very susceptible to virus
the lT technicians do not infection which can affect
understand well. So, all the the systems. Also, many
internet users should have parents are unaware of their
t37l Im NEPAL [vol-1, Issue-2, 201.7)