Page 32 - ICT Nepal News Issue 02
P. 32

universal  affordable  I nternet  access  Subscriber  Line (DSL) from 768 Kbps  appliances  world-wide. lt is simply
         in its Global  Goals,  which would  aim  to 6 Mbps are affixed  with lnternet  a network  of networks consisting  of
         to reduce  poverty, advance health  via phone lines. Satellite (400 Kbps -  private, public, academic,  business
         and education and enhance  ambient  2 Mbps), Third Generation (3G) with  and government  networks  hooked-
         environment.  The lnternet could   50 Kbps to 1.5 MbPs and Worldwide  up by sophisticated electronic,
         aid global development  by bridging  I nteropera  bi  I ity for M icrowave  wireless  and optical networking
         communities  together  around the  Access  (Wi-Max) with uP to 128    technologies. The lnternet carries
         world.  With technologY  evolving  Mbps  are tagged to lnternet bY    wide-ranging  information  as the
         at break-neck  speed,  regulatorY  wireless  links. Cable Modem  (1 Mbps  inter-l i n ked hypertext  docu ments
         frameworks would often lag behind.  - l Gbps)  are associated to lnternet  and applications of the World
         The lnternet  would require urgently  through  coaxial cables.  Fiber (up to  Wide Web  (WWW), electronic
         a ppropriate  regu latory fra mework  l Gbps) is adjoined to lnternet over  mail, telephony  and  Peer-to-
         vis-i-vis  the technological change.  fiber optics. Fourth Generation/  peer networks. The traditional
         lnternet has to be secure and      Long Term Evolution  (aGlLTE) with  communications  are being
         reliable for organizations  and    up to 10 Mbps is hitched to lnternet  rejuvenated  bY the lnternet.
         individuals to have the confidence to  over mobile wireless  mechanisms.  The new dynamic  email, digital
         conduct transactions and exchange  lnternet connection  speeds averaged  telephony, television,  rad io,
         information. lncidents of cyber-crime  to moderately  5 MbPs globallY  in  newspapers,  video streaming and
         are awash world-wide. Escalation in  201,6.  Data transmission speeds will  web-pages  are being  PleasantlY
         the numbers  of cyber threats and  definitely have to increase to reaP  popular.  Print publishing of
         espionage  were recorded in 2015.  maximum benefits from lnternet.    books and newspaPers  are being
         Cyber-attacks  had targeted the    For comparison at record 100 Peta  adjusted  to website technologY.
         industrial sectoL  governments and  bits per second  (PbPs) one could  The entertain  ment industrY
         ed ucation  i nstitutions  freq uently.  transmit  400 DVDs  worth of data  has enjoyed boom and bane on
         The fast, economical and  Protected  every second. The costs of ultra-  lnternet. Personal interactions
         lnternet has been demanded bY      high-speed  networks would have    through instant messaging  (face
         public, private and numerous other  to decrease,  so that an average  book  or twitter),  lnternet forums
         sectors as trade and commerce.     consumer  could download  a high-  and social networking  and crowed
            The type of technologY  would   definition movie in a second or  PlaY  funding  have become  Powerful
         determine  speeds for downloading  cloud-based  video games  without  reality for swapping  sentiments and
         files for diverse  applications    any hint of lag. Fanciful smart    opinions and tackling social issues.
         like receiving  emails  and video-  phones,  laptops and tablets along  Online  shopping has disPlaYed  how
         conferencing  with excellence.     with clever  gizmos plugged  into the  consumers  buy and sell their goods.
         Bandwidth would be analogous       lnternet would pursue  parleys with  Retailers and small  businesses
         to the conduit-size  within which  persons and machines  extremelY    and entrepreneurs  have made
         the data  is travelling.  Speed  would  fast.                         positive experience  and garnered
          resemble  the rate at which the data  The lnternet is the            soaring  profits through  their
          is being transferred.  UPloading  i ntercon nected com  puter networks  transactions over lnternet. Since
         and downloading  data would relY   that embrace  the Transmission     the lnternet is devoid of centralized
         on lnternet connection-sPeeds      Control Protocol/l nternet Protocol  governance  in either technological
          offered by Service Providers to    (TCP/IP)  to interface various    implementation  or  Policies  for
          match the client's  preference. Brisk                                                              ,ffi
          speeds of Gigabits  per second                                                                      ffi
                                                                                                          r'   lf
          (Gbps)  are becoming  fashionable
                                                                                                      .  ....r  ,*ttiti
          for institutional use. Broadband
          would deliver high-speed  lnternet
          with typical download  and uPload
          speeds of 15 and 5 Mega bits  Per
          second  (Mbps). Dial-uP methods
          would require modems  to initiate
          the slow 56 Kilo bits  Per  second
          (Kbps)  connection to the lnternet.
          The speed tendered  by conventional
          technologies for downloading  data is
          summarized  in the following manner.
          Dial-up  up to 56 KbPs and Digital

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