Page 34 - ICT Nepal News Issue 02
P. 34

Top                                cgrt PA^tJtEs

              m'W                           hiring cvtDersecuritv


            Apple, General Motors,  and     examined demand for cybersecurity  high salaries, the lndeed rePort
         Capital  One are among  the top-rated  professionals  across 10 countries.  noted.  "One  Potential  solution
         companies  for employee experience  lsrael,  lreland, the UK, the US, and  for employers could be increased
         with several cybersecuritY   jobs  Germany  were the toP five nations  investment,  either in current
         currently  open.                   with the largest  shortages.      employees or future hires, in
            We are currentlY facing  a global  The US faces a 33% skills shortage  education  and training  to equiP
         cybersecu  rity shortage, accord  i ng  for crucial security  roles, the report  workers to fill these roles.
         to various recent rePorts  from    found. However,  the gaP appears     From the various rePorts, there
         various sources. Job  Postings  in  to be slowly closing:  Job seeker  enlisted of the best US enterprises
         the cybersecurity field have gone  interest  in cybersecurity  roles  rose  with security  job oPenings.  The
                                            from meeting 60% of emPloYer      businesses that made the list were
         up 74% over the  Past   five  Years,
         and a Cisco report estimates  that  demand in 2014lo 67% todaY, based  the most highly rated on overall
         there are currently 1 million unfilled  on comparing the number of oPen  employee exPerience  among
         cybersecu  rity  jobs worldwide.   cybersecurity  roles to the clicks they  companies  that had at least  20  job
         Symantec  predicts that this shortage  received  from  job  seekers.  postings  for cybersecurity  roles from
         will only grory and that we will see  This imbalance between  suPP|Y  October  2Ot6 to December 2016.
          1.5 million unfilled  jobs  in the field  and demand means cYbersecuritY  From the rePorts, here are
          by 2019.                          professionals  have their choice  the top 10 US comPanies  hiring
            From the various rePorts,  we   of strong  job prosPects  and      cybersecu  rity  Professiona   ls.

          l- Apple
            At the top of the list, Apple  has seen several  high-profile  battles
          around the privacy and security implications  of encryption and iOS-
          most recently,  the New York district attorney's  request for the company
          to return to operating  systems that make it easier for law enforcement
          officials to extract data. lt's possible that the company  is hiring more
          cyber professionals  to continue  bolstering that work in these areas and
          protecting  user data.

                                                  2, fedgrat IIeser$G  mamk uff Hmw Vmrlr
                                                     Financial  organizations  tend to be targeted  less than institutions
                                                  with more vulnerable  systems,  such as schools  and hospitals'  However,
                                                  it's important to remain vigilant to protect money and financial  data, of
                                                  cou rse.

                                                  B- Fatinmt F*rst
             At number three, Patient First medical  centers  are located across  the
          country. Healthcare  organizations  are particularly vulnerable to cyber
          attacks such  as ransomware,  So it makes  sense that they would be adding
          staff in this area.

                                             t34l  ItTl NEPAL  [Vol-1,  Issue-Z, Z0t7)
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