Page 33 - ICT Nepal News Issue 02
P. 33
usage, each constituent network is 1st revolution Znd revolution 3rd revolution 4th revolution
responsible for its policies. lnternet Water/:Stsr Ehceicity Automattun Cyberphysical rydems
Corporation for Assigned Names and
Numbers (ICANN) is accountable
6@ @
for lnternet Protocol Address Space
and the Domain Name System
(DNS). lnternet Engineering Task
Force (IETF) would look after
standardization of the salient
Replacement of equipment
protocols. Percsfit of :n*t*l1erJ base
lnternet access from home, 100 *
colleges, campus, school, work - 10 -2a 4A - 50
Replmmenlof Litlbrepl*m€flt,
place and from public places as Existirp macfiinss
corrplols loom astod*rg equip aro conn€dd, oriry
libraries, airports, hotels, shopping neesssy "*"""" Iffi partial replacemenl
I onlv convevor beft d€x1ripmena
malls and lnternet cafes or coffee
shops is free or with token payment.
They are channeled to electronic lnternet access is not distributed been conducive while finding new
equipment via lnternet stations, equally within or between countries. elegant and pragmatic answers
Wi-Fi hot spots and through Local The digital divide alias the gap to and solving new perplexing
Area Networks (LANs) and mobile between people with access to problems that have vexed our very
networks. Network neutrality in lnternet and those with very existence. Vision without action is
democratic circumstances could be limited or no access depend greatly day-dreaming, but vision with action
questioned when censorship could on financial status, geographical is achievement. Creativity and social
block some specific shady contents location and government policies. interactions are crucial for humans
in lnternet traffic. lnternet blackout, ln201-1, developing and developed to think out of the box. Deploying
slowdowns or outage could result countries had 20% and 7!% lnternet smart machines for assisting us in
from signal interruptions, disruptions access respectively. The World our work is indispensable for us to
of communications cables, software Summit on the lnformation Society survive on earth or anywhere in the
bug or human error. Developing (WSIS) convened by the United vast universe. The ICT tools and the
countries are more vulnerable Nations in Geneva in 2003 and in lnternet could immensely contribute
due to inadequate high-capacity Tunis in 2005 vehemently addressed to the eradication of abysmal
connectivity and cables. A computer implications of the digital divide. ignorance and dispel sinister
accessing the lnternet could be Access to the lnternet escalated superstition that would breed misery
bound directly to a modem that from circa 10 million people in and sorrow among the people and
would communicate with an lnternet 1993, to sheer 40 million in 1995, severely impede progress efforts.
Service Provider (lSP). The modem's 670 million in 2002 and2.7 billion ln Nepalese context, participating
lnternet connection could be shared in 2013 and to approximately 3.7 in the Fourth lndustrial Revolution
via Local Area Network (LAN), which billion in 201.6 in comparison to the fully with swift, safe and cost-
would provide limited access to estimated world population of 7.34 effective lnternet services is sine qua
home, school, computer laboratory billion. Although lnternet expansion non for spurring us with adequate
or office building. Ethernet over is slowing in industrialized countries, investment, especially the younger
twisted pair-cabling and Wi-Fi are lnternet accounts have been generation, towards progress,
the two most common technologies increasing strongly in Asia, Africa, prosperity and for attaining adorable
for LANs that are interconnected Latin America, the Caribbean and the quality of our lives in future.
via switches and routers. Providing Middle East. ln Nepal the lnternet
lnternet in remote areas with low users could be fairly 6.4 million as of Rishi Shah is Life Member of
population density is difficult due June 20tG (counting basically 19.9 CAN and Academician of Nepal
to high cost of the investments % of total population of about 32.1 Academy of Science and Technology
in instruments in comparison to million). Suita ble infrastructure could (NAST). He is also the Director
those in cities. Wireless lnternet also eventually goad the intensive of Lotus Holdings Pvt. Ltd. The
Service Provider (WlSPs) is rapidly growth and proliferation of the on- author is solely responsible and
becoming an option for rural areas. line operation of lnternet. accountable for the views and
With the rise of cloud computing, Human intelligence, arguments expressed in the article.
retrieving stored cloud-hosted data inventiveness compounded with Any similarities in content or
in the event of a natural disaster is hard work, dedication, dexterity and a rti cu I atio ns with oth er pu bl i cati o n s
problematic. unrelenting attitude have always a re p u rely coi nci d enta l.
[33) IlSl NEPAL [Vol-L, Issue-2, 201,7)