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                                                              Hridaya Man Shrestha


                                       IN NEPAL

                 he world is changing; with technological     Sector, KFA was established in July 2001 with
                 advancement and globalization,               major thrust on Management Training, Education
                 organizations need to be able to keep        and Consulting initiatives.  Since its establishment,
        Tup with today’s competitive era, just to             KFA has been working in these areas and has
        survive in the market. KFA understands that there     been instrumental in developing knowledgeable,
        is an underlying urgency for companies to invest      academically sound & professionally trained human
        in increasing employee competencies to ensure         resources and also delivering quality management
        that they have the skills and knowledge that drive    consulting services to its valued clients.
        organizational efficiency.
                                                              KFA Training School started its journey with
        KFA Training School started its journey with an       intensive focus in structured Banking Training
        intensive focus in structured Banking Training        Programs, Workshops & Seminars to suit the
        Programs, Workshops & Seminars to suit the            requirements of diverse Financial Institutions and
        requirements of diverse Financial Institutions and    Corporates as well as non-corporate participants. So
        Corporates as well as non-corporate participants. So   far, KFA has trained over 10,000 participants from
        far, KFA has trained over 10,000 participants from    diverse professional and academic backgrounds.
        diverse professional and academic backgrounds.        KFA Business School, an Academic wing of KFA
        With its recent plunge into the online module,        was established in the year 2009. Since its inception,
        KFA has expanded its area of focus into numerous      KFA Business School has introduced innovative
        participants from different geographical regions as   and unique ‘learning methodologies’.  With ‘Dual
        well.                                                 Faculty System (DFS)’ as one of its core delivery
                                                              mechanisms, KFA has been instrumental in
        With over 23 years of experience, KFA is corporates’  developing much-needed academically sound and
        most trusted institution, providing various training   practically trained human resources.
        solutions to its clients ranging from corporates
        to individuals, from national and international       KFA Consulting  is a management-consulting
        organizations. Our extensive training packages        Division within KFA, which serves leading
        are designed to add value to your organization by     businesses, governments and non-governmental
        covering every aspect of your training requirements.   organizations. It helps the clients to make lasting
        Besides, KFA also provides customized training        improvements to their performance and realize
        programs tailored to meet your distinct requirements.  their most important goals. KFA Consulting' brings
        Our pool of highly skilled trainers, who encourage    together a complementary mix of background and
        interactive and participative approach of learning,   cultures of diversified professionals providing
        will not just help you achieve your training goals,   clients with all-round, hands-on support in smooth
        but also ensure a delightful training experience.     Management of Business, Market Research,
                                                              Feasibility Studies, Impact Analysis, Business
        With a determined mindset to effectively contribute   Plans, Management Strategy Consulting, Financial
        in the capacity building of the Nepalese Business     Management, IT Solutions, HR Management and

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