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How much will it cost? Scholarships and Financial Aid:
Depending on the program, institution and Numerous Canadian institutions provide
level of study you select, tution costs can financial aid and scholarships to foreign
vary significantly across Canada. As an students in accordance with a variety of
international student in Canada, one may standards, including their academic standing
come across the following expenses: and involvement in the community. Look into
the terms and eligibility for scholarships at
1. Tuition Fees: potential universities or colleges.
Tuition costs varies widely among Remember that these are approximate
costs and can vary widely. It’s essential
programs, colleges, and states. to research the specific costs for
International graduate students
should expect to pay an average of your chosen program and institution.
CAD $5,000 to $35,000 per year, Additionally, you can control your
expenses by adopting a low-cost
with graduate schools charging more. lifestyle, sharing accomodation and
Medical, industrial, and commercial
programs are probably at the highest working a part-time job while studying in
end of this spectrum. Canada..
Canada is a very desired option for overseas
2. Living Expenses: students seeking higher education, richer
Your city or location will affect the cost cultural experiences, and opportunities for
of living.In densely populated areas like personal and professional development.
Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal, the Here’s an overview of studying in Canada:
typical monthly budget for housing, food, 1. Choose a Program and University:
entertainment, transportation, and other
necessities is between $10,000 and From certificates to doctorates, Canada
$15,000. offers a wide range of programs and degrees
3. Health Insurance: at various levels. Researching colleges
and universities and offering programs
In general, international students studying to suit your interests and purposes. The
in Canada must have health insurance. University of Toronto, the University of
Different nations charge varying rates; British Columbia, McGill University and the
some do so via regional health plans, University of Montreal are a few well-known
while others demand the purchase of Canadian universities.
individual health insurance policies. Pay 2. Admission Requirements:
between $600 and $1,000 annually for
health insurance. Depending on the institution and program,
4. Study Materials and Supplies: various admission requirements are
required. In general, you must submit
The price may change based on the your academic record, letters of
course, the quantity of books, references, recommendation, statement of purpose,
and other elements. This can run into and documentation of your language
annual costs of hundreds of thousands of skills in English or French (such as IELTS,
dollars. TOEFL, or DELF in French)
5. Application Fees: 3. Language Proficiency:
When applying to universities or Since English and French are the main
colleges, there might be application fees languages of instruction in Canada,
ranging from CAD $100 to $250 per international students may need to
institution. demonstrate their proficiency in one of
these languages through language tests.
6. Travel Expenses: 4. Study Permits (Visas):
Along with any domestic travel you
intend to do, you should also think International students require a study
about how much it will cost to travel to permit to study in Canada. To apply for a
and from Canada. study permit, you’ll need an acceptance
letter from a Designated Learning
7. Miscellaneous Expenses: Institution (DLI), proof of sufficient funds
Visa application fees, personal to cover tuition fees and living expenses,
and possibly a medical exam and police
expenses, and entertainment are clearance certificate.
examples of additional costs. It is
best to budget some extra cash for 5. Tuition Fees and Scholarships:
unforeseen costs.
Depending on the program,
(28) (Issue-4, 2023)