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    Want To Move Your Knowledge From


                            “    E      mbark on an extraordinary educational journey by planning your dreams in

                                           Canada after completing your plus 2! Canada offers an excessive amount
                                            of opportunities for students like you who are eager to hold world-class
                                           education, diverse cultures, and a path to a promising future. With its top-
     By:                           ranked universities, cutting-edge research facilities, and welcoming communities,
     Sangita Panta, CEO,           Canada provides the ideal platform to shape your  ambitions into reality. From the
     Dream International          hustle streets of metropolitan cities to the calm and peaceful landscapes of university
     Education Services           towns, Canada offers a rich blend of academic excellence and quality of life.  Beyond
                                   academics, you will have a chance to immerse yourself in a rich shades of cultures,
                                  making lifelong connections, and develop a global perspective that will set you apart.
                                  So, take a jump, expand your skills, and set the course for a successful and fulfilling
                                 life by choosing Canada as your destination for higher education. Your journey begins
                                                                        here!                                     ”
                                             PROCESS TO CANADA

        Students need to follow the below listed steps:
        Step 1: Check for eligibility

        Step 2: Document Verification
        Step 3: English Language Test Report
        Step 4: Apply for Admission in University/ Colleges

        Step 5: Pay Tuition Fee
        Step 6: Purchase of GIC (Guaranteed Investment Certificate)
        Step 7: Undertake Medical Test

        Step 8: Visa Lodgment
        Step 9: Visa Decision

        Student visa application needs below listed criteria for eligibility
        •  Student has accepted by a designated learning institute (DLI).
        •  Student must show that they have sufficient funds to cover their daily expenses and tution in
            order to quaify for financial aid.
        •  Student need to prove that their backgrounds and criminal records are clean. The aspirants
            need to produce a police certificate to prove this.

        •  Student should have a good health examination and provide a doctor’s certificate of good
                                               (27)        (Issue-4, 2023)
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