Page 25 - ICT_Nepal_News_4th_Edition_N1
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Vision                                                   Mission

        KFA aspires to be one of the best                        KFA is on the mission to produce World-
        ‘Management, Education, Training                         Class Human Resource and provide
        and Consulting; firms not only in                        the best mix of ‘management solutions’
        Nepal but also gear up to make visible                   through its Education, Training, and
        contributions in the Regional and Global                 Consulting Services.

                                                                    What We Do

          Ethics of KFA
          Business School
          and IT                                                 •  Training  (23  Years  of  experience  in
                                                                     providing training services catering to
        •  Respect for all                                           individual, corporate houses, financial
        •  Accountability                                            institutions, and many more)
        •  Integrity and Trustworthy                             •  Education         (Uniquely       designed
                                                                     curriculum  to  impart  theoretical  and
        •  Learning Attitude                                         practical knowledge to kick-start your
        •  Passion to SErve Excellence                               Professional journey)
                                                                 •  Consulting        (Providing       uniquely
                                                                     tailored,    pragmatic,     and    holistic
                                                                     management        solutions     to    make
                                                                     lasting  improvement  in  our  clients’

          Programs Under
          KFA BUsiness
          School and IT

        •  Bachelor      in    Computer      Science.               Modality of
           Information and Technology- 4 years,                     teaching learning
           8 semester                                               at KFA College
        •  Bachelor in Hospitality Management- 4
           years, 8 semester                                     •  Lecture
        •  Masters in Business Administration- 2
           years, 4 semesters                                    •  Tutor
                                                                 •  Professional Training

                                                                 •  Practical Labs
                                                                 •  Seminars

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