Page 8 - ICT_Nepal_News_4th_Edition_N1
P. 8


           Mr. Aakash Simkhada

                     Interview By
                     Prateek Sharma Kharel

             Profile Overview

              He is a accomplished businessperson known as an "edupreneur" with a deep
              and varied background spanning more than ten years in the education service
              sector. He has been the driving force behind cutting-edge educational initiatives
              as the chairman of Virinchi College. Beyond education, he has dabbled in a
              variety of industries as an investor, utilizing his knowledge to spot possibilities
              and promote expansion. His academic background includes an MBA from
              Tribhuvan University, demonstrating his dedication to quality and lifelong

                Amidst the wealth of insights Mr. Simkhada

                shared in the interview, one standout moment

                that truly captivated attention was when he

                unleashed this gem: “An edupreneur’s spirit is to

                use knowledge to start businesses.”

                                               (8)         (Issue-4, 2023)
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