Page 9 - ICT_Nepal_News_4th_Edition_N1
P. 9


        Can you tell us about the founding   Can you share some success stories   leaders in the dynamic world of
        vision and mission of your college?  of BICT graduates from your        Information & Communication
                                            college who have made a significant   Technology.
                 ur college’s founding aim is   impact in the field?
                 to bridge the gap between                                      How does your college collaborate
                 education and industry,    The success stories of BICT         with industries to ensure students
        Oallowing students to               graduates from Virinchi College     gain practical exposure and relevant
        seamlessly transfer into the field. We   and their significant impact in the   skills?
        intend to train the next generation   field can be found on the college’s
        of professionals to acquire and     website and official publications.   Virinchi College collaborates with
        apply the technology skills and     These stories often highlight the   industries to ensure students gain
        knowledge required to survive in a   achievements and accomplishments   practical exposure and relevant
        fast-changing world. Our objective is   of alumni who have excelled in   skills through various clubs and
        to ensure that every Virinchi student   various sectors of the ICT industry,   initiatives. One such club is the
        has the skills needed to satisfy    showcasing their contributions      “skill booster club,” where students
        market expectations, adapt to future   and innovative endeavors. From   can participate in workshops,
        technology breakthroughs, and build   founding successful tech startups   seminars, and industry-led training
        successful career paths. We aspire   to leading transformative projects   sessions. This club allows students
        to empower our students with the    in multinational corporations, these   to interact directly with professionals
        tools and expertise to achieve in   graduates exemplify the college’s   from different industries, gaining
        their chosen disciplines and make   commitment to producing skilled     insights into the latest trends and
        a meaningful difference in the      and capable professionals who       demands. Additionally, the “IoT and
        professional world by matching our   make a positive difference in the   Robotics Club” provides a platform
        educational programs with industry   technology world. Through their    for students to work on real-world
        requirements and focusing on career   accomplishments, they serve as    projects related to the Internet of
        perspectives.                       inspiration for current and future   Things and robotics, enhancing
                                            students, demonstrating the value   their technical competencies
        What unique features and programs   of the education and opportunities   and problem-solving abilities.
        does your college offer to students   provided by Virinchi College.     Furthermore, the college facilitates
        interested in BICT disciplines?                                         internships and cooperative
                                            In what ways does your college      education programs with industry
        In addition to the specialized track   foster an environment of innovation   partners, enabling students to
        in Software Engineering, Virinchi   and creativity among students?      immerse themselves in professional
        College provides a plethora of                                          environments and apply their
        distinctive features and programs   Virinchi College fosters an         theoretical knowledge in practical
        tailored to students interested in   environment of innovation and      settings. These collaborations
        BICT disciplines. The cutting-edge   creativity among students through   ensure that Virinchi students are
        curriculum encompasses diverse      its annual event, the ICT Mela. The   well-prepared and equipped with
        topics such as programming          ICT Mela serves as a platform for   the skills necessary to excel in their
        languages, database management,     Bachelor of ICT (BICT) software     chosen fields upon graduation.
        network security, web development,   engineering students to showcase
        artificial intelligence, and more,   their talents and ingenuity by     What steps are taken to bridge the
        ensuring students stay up-to-date   presenting various Information &    gap between academic curriculum
        with the latest advancements in the   Communication Technology (ICT)    and industry demands?
        ICT industry. The college fosters   projects. Throughout the year,
        strong industry partnerships,       BICT students actively engage in    To bridge the gap between academic
        facilitating internships, cooperative   developing software applications   curriculum and industry expectations,
        education programs, and practical   for IoT and robotics projects,      our college’s academic and research
        projects to offer students valuable   aiming to find solutions for day-  staff takes proactive initiatives to
        real-world experience. State-of-the-  to-day household and corporate    understand the developing needs of
        art labs equipped with the latest   problems. The best projects are     the ICT industry, notably for Software
        software and hardware empower       then exhibited during the ICT Mela,   Engineers. We identify the necessary
        students to engage in hands-on      allowing students to demonstrate    skills and abilities for the future labor
        experimentation and projects.       their skills and innovative solutions   market by doing extensive study
        With experienced faculty bringing   to a wider audience. This event     and analysis. Based on this data,
        industry insights to the classroom,   not only promotes the possibilities   we constantly update and redesign
        research opportunities, and a focus   and opportunities in the ICT field   our courses to meet the industry’s
        on innovation and entrepreneurship,   in Nepal but also inspires and    current and future needs. In
        Virinchi College endeavours         encourages younger generations      addition, we use unique pedagogical
        to produce well-rounded BICT        to pursue a career in this sector.   methodologies and cutting-edge
        graduates who are adept at problem-  By providing such avenues for      technologies in our teaching methods
        solving, possess essential soft     students to showcase their creativity   to enhance student’s critical thinking,
        skills and are prepared to meet the   and problem-solving abilities,    creativity, and problem-solving
        evolving demands of the technology   Virinchi College nurtures a culture   abilities. Furthermore, we stress the
        sector.                             of innovation and empowers its      development of entrepreneurial and
                                            students to become creators and     communication skills to guarantee
                                               (9)         (Issue-4, 2023)
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