Page 30 - Cloud Chronicles Fifth Issue
P. 30

The Strength of                                     (computing and hosting),   Google Cloud Benefits
               Microsoft Azure                                     networking, and machine   Customers of Google
               Microsoft Azure stands                              learning (AI platform).   Cloud don’t have to
               out in the cloud services                                                     worry about vendor
               industry due to its broad                           Google Cloud Cost         lock-in because the
               range of capabilities and   After AWS and Microsoft   There is a pay-as-you-go   company’s core services
               key partnerships with     Azure, Google Cloud       option with Google Cloud.   (Kubernetes, TensorFlow,
               Oracle, VMware, and       is ranked third among     Understanding the costs   and Istio) are open source
               SAP. Azure leads in the   cloud service providers   based on workloads,       and have since become
               Platform as a Service     in Gartner’s Magic        locations, and other      industry standards. These
               (PaaS) market, with       Quadrant. With the        variables can be aided    services have had a
               32 managed service        usage of Antos, which     with a pricing calculator   significant impact on how
               provider networks         enables users to manage   and bespoke quotations.   enterprise IT in the cloud
               and sophisticated         workloads on Google,      For 90 days, Google       is installed, scaled, and
               capabilities such as      AWS, and Azure, Google    Cloud offers $300 in free   managed.
               Azure DevOps and Visual   Cloud has significantly   credits to new clients
               Studio Codespaces.        boosted its hybrid and    who begin executing
               Furthermore, it integrates   multi-cloud workload   cloud processes with
               public cloud capabilities   during the past year.   them. Additionally,
               with developer tools like   Furthermore, the        Google Cloud offers
               Visual Studio Code.       developer community       a specific program for    Huawei:
                                         has embraced Firebase,    entrepreneurs, and they   In 2021, Huawei Cloud
                                         a Google-owned cloud
               Weaknesses of                                       can receive early starting   released its latest
               Microsoft Azure           mobile Backend-as-a-      credits worth at least    strategy, “Dive into digital
               The cost of Microsoft     Service (BaaS). Despite   $2,000 to use.            with Everything as a
               support is high.          being a BaaS platform                               Service.” “Everything”
               Additionally, compared    built on top of Google    Google Cloud Strength     includes Huawei’s vision
               to other cloud service    Cloud, Firebase is still in   With its tools like   and understanding of
               providers, Microsoft Azure   high demand.           TensorFlow, ML Kit, and   the industry. Over the
               has a lower percentage                              Google Datasets, Google   past 30 years, Huawei
               of availability zones.    Google cloud Market       Cloud distinguishes out   has earned extensive
               However, there is still   Share                     in its capabilities for big   trust from customers and
               space for enhancements    According to Canalys,     data, machine learning,   partners in the carrier and
               to service availability   Google Cloud has a        and data science.         enterprise markets by
               and resilience-centered   7% market share in the    TensorFlow and TPUs       adhering to the principles
               reengineering initiatives.   market for infrastructure   (Tensor Processing Unit,   of “good service, good
               Additionally, Azure doesn’t   as a service. Google   an application-specific   quality, quick response to
               offer its clients any kind   made significant       integrated circuit that   customer requirements,
               of capacity assurances;   investments in hiring     accelerates artificial    technological innovation
               this includes reserved    salespeople in 2020,      intelligence) are among   to create customer value,
               instances and pre-paid    which led to a $5 billion   the tools that make up its   and win-win cooperation
               contracts. Some Microsoft   operating loss and a $13   end-to-end AI platform,   with ecosystem partners.”
               Azure users were          billion revenue overall.   which is built on the most   Embedded with the same
               unable to provide the     However, in order to      recent technological      values and business
               cloud capacity they had   expand the company and    advancements.             strategy, Huawei Cloud
               already paid for during the   increase its profitability,                     continues to create
               COVID-19 increase.        these procedures were     Google Cloud              trustworthy and innovative
                                         necessary.                Weakness                  cloud services to realize
               Pros of Microsoft Azure                             Positioning Google as     our commitment of “in
               Organizations employing   Google Cloud Offerings    an enterprise-class IaaS   Asia-Pacific, for Asia-
               Microsoft services will   There are 100 products    solution is difficult. Some   Pacific.”
               benefit greatly from      available on the Google   of its products are not
               Azure. Microsoft Azure is   Cloud platform, which   yet as fully packaged as   Huawei cloud market
               a major participant across   can be divided into six   those provided by Google   share:
               all use cases and offers   categories: big data     Cloud’s competitors, AWS   Huawei, a privately held
               reliable cloud services.   (Big Query for data      and Microsoft Azure,      company, is the second-
               This comprises edge       analysis, Dataflow for    and they have not yet     largest cloud service
               and all-encompassing      batch and streaming data   attained the same degree   provider in China (Q3
               cloud services, in which   processing), storage,    of enterprise maturity.   CY2022) accounting
               other cloud vendors lack   databases, computing     Similar to other cloud    for 19% of the market
               sufficient expertise. New   and hosting (servers,   vendors, Google Cloud     after Alibaba. Huawei is
               customers of Microsoft    containers, VMs),         has a smaller pool of     among the world’s fastest
               Azure are given a $200    networking (VPC, load     knowledgeable managed     growing major cloud
               credit for 30 days.       balancing, cloud DNS),    service providers.        service providers and
                                         computing and hosting
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