Page 26 - Cloud Chronicles Fifth Issue
P. 26


         By:                                                                                                         By:
         Rabin Tamang                                                                                    Amgee Shrestha

             The Future of Public Cloud:

                   Emerging Technologies and


                       ublic cloud is a   and smaller businesses   now deploy and manage     for deployment in cloud
                       cloud computing   with access to cutting-   applications much more    environments in order to
                       service that      edge technology,          easily. In this model,    maximize performance,
               Pprovides on-             democratizing access      cloud service providers   scalability, and resilience.
               demand resources,         to resources. As more     take care of every aspect   Because they are
               applications, and data    businesses adopt cloud-   of server administration,   modular, scalable, and
               storage to the general    based solutions, the      freeing developers to     simple to deploy, cloud-
               public or a large user    public cloud services     concentrate solely on     native applications enable
               base over the internet.   landscape is expected     writing code and creating   developers to quickly
               It allows businesses to   to evolve. The demand     functionalities without   build and release new
               build and grow apps,      for digital transformation   having to worry about   features. Applications and
               store and process data,   and data-driven solutions   infrastructure provisioning   their dependencies can
               and utilize cutting-edge   is rising, making public   or scaling. Serverless   be packaged together
               technologies like AI      cloud services even       computing uses an event-  using containers like
               and machine learning.     more significant. They    driven architecture, where   Docker, guaranteeing
               Public cloud reduces      foster innovation, enable   functions are started in   consistency across
               capital expenditures and   digital transformation, and   response to particular   various environments and
               operational complexity,   democratize access to     events like HTTP requests  streamlining deployment.
               allowing businesses to    cutting-edge technologies   or data changes. Users   Cloud-native development
               focus on core skills and   for companies of all sizes.   only pay for the computing  encourages agility,
               innovation, allowing for   The constantly changing   resources used during    continuous delivery,
               faster market introduction   technology landscape   the execution of functions   and quick scaling,
               of new products and       and rising demand for     under this pay-as-you-go   allowing businesses to
               services. Public cloud    adaptable, scalable, and   model, which guarantees   react quickly to shifting
               services’ availability    accessible computing      cost effectiveness.       consumer demands and
               from any location with    solutions make the public                           gain a competitive edge in
               an internet connection    cloud a bright future.    Cloud-Native              the digital environment.
               encourages smooth                                   Development:
               collaboration, remote     Some emerging trends      A contemporary method     Specialized Cloud
               work capabilities, and    and technologies that     of software development   Services:
               global connectivity,      can help determine        that focuses on           Public cloud services
               fostering productivity    the future of the public   creating applications    with a specific focus on
               and teamwork. Strong      cloud are:                especially suited for     a particular industry,
               security measures,                                  cloud environments        application, or emerging
               data encryption, and      Serverless                is called “cloud-native   technology are referred
               compliance requirements   Computing:                development.” Utilizing   to as specialized cloud
               of the public cloud protect   With the revolutionary   cloud-native technologies   services. These services
               sensitive data and foster   paradigm of serverless   and practices entails    offer specialized solutions
               user confidence. Public   computing in the public   explicitly designing and   that are catered to specific
               cloud provides startups   cloud, developers can     developing applications   needs, going beyond the

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