Page 29 - Cloud Chronicles Fifth Issue
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were surpassed. AWS       and managed service       easing migration and      accelerating demand for
            reported revenues of      providers. Businesses     preserving options        Microsoft Azure solutions
            $45 billion in 2020, a    view AWS as a strategic   for new solutions.        has climbed by 34%
            30% increase from those   cloud infrastructure      With Amazon’s global      year over year. In the
            reported in 2019.         provider. From servers    computing infrastructure,   second quarter of 2021,
                                      to embedded operating     AWS enables scalable      the number of seats for
            Services Offered by       systems in Edge devices,   and high-performance     Microsoft Enterprise
            AWS                       and all the technology    applications, while       Mobility—a service
            AWS offers over 175       in between, AWS offers                              that includes Microsoft
            cloud services for a wide   end-to-end solutions.                             products like Azure
            range of use cases and                                                        Active Directory, Endpoint
            industries. Amazon’s      Weaknesses of AWS                                   Configuration Manager,
            top five most popular     Despite stated price cuts,                          Microsoft Intune,
            services are Amazon       several services, such                              Microsoft Defender,
            EC2 (computing power),    as the AWS computer       ensuring security through   etc.—grew by 29% to 163
            Amazon RDS (relational    service, have remained    end-to-end measures.      million.
            databases), Amazon        the same in cost since    After AWS, Microsoft
            S3 (cloud storage),       2014. If a customer is    Azure is a close second.   Offerings of Microsoft
            Amazon CloudFront         dependent on Amazon       The business offers       Azure’s Cloud
            (content delivery         products, it could be     a wide selection of       There are about 600
            service), and Amazon      difficult to migrate to a   services geared toward   services in Microsoft
            Glacier (web storage      different service provider      businesses.         Azure. As part of its
            service). Customers of    because AWS                      Microsoft Azure    IaaS service, Azure
            Amazon are able to use                                        releases        provides virtual machines
            constantly accessible                                            dozens       (VMs), Active Directory
            virtual computer clusters                                        of new       to synchronize on-
            with EC2. Although most                                          products,    premise directories,
            services don’t directly   emphasizes                services,   and           and single sign-on
            interact with customers,   their best cloud services.   improvements every    functionality. Along with
            they do offer functionality   Utilizing fewer        quarter as a result of       data management
            to app                           than 20% of            years’                      solutions like
            developers                       acquired                                            Azure Data
            via APIs.                                                                                Explorer,
                                                                                                      Azure SQL
            AWS                                                                                       Database,
            Price                                                  worth                             Severless,
            Depending on the          services, which can be        of research and       CDN, Azure AI, Azure
            hardware, software, or    difficult and time-              development        Blockhung Workbench,
            networking solutions      consuming to                      work. Azure is    Azure IoT, and other
            selected, AWS prices      re-engineer                           the best-     services, the corporation
            are based on a pay-as-    and                                     in-class    also offers mobile
            you-go model. A single    optimize,                               hybrid      engagement with real-
            virtual AWS machine       is another                             cloud        time analytics and
            or computer cluster       difficulty. The costs for   vendor that provides    tracking of user activities.
            can be purchased by       AWS cloud services are    the flexibility to rapidly
            subscribers. Amazon       reasonable, but if they   provision computer        Cost of Microsoft Azure
            provides security for the   aren’t managed, they    resources as needed.      Cost-wise, Microsoft
            bought systems under      could become very high.                             Azure is comparable to
            subscription terms.                                 Market share of           AWS. There are various
                                      AWS Advantages            Microsoft Azure           use cases where Azure
            AWS Capacity              AWS offers a flexible and   Microsoft Azure has     is more cost-effective
            AWS dominates the IaaS    cost-effective application   a 20% market share     compared to AWS.
            and PaaS markets and      hosting platform for      among IaaS cloud          However, Google Cloud
            is a pioneer in the vast   providers, ISVs, and     service providers,        is less expensive than
            majority of cloud services   vendors. With flexible   according to Canalys.   AWS and Azure. There is
            offered globally. Business-  services, users can easily   Microsoft Azure’s sales   no standardization among
            critical workloads are    select the operating      climbed by 50% in the     cloud service providers;
            frequently deployed by    system, programming       second quarter of 2021    no two cloud service
            large organizations to    language, web application   compared to the previous   providers offer the same
            Amazon rather than any    platform, database, and   quarter, resulting in $17   price in the same manner.
            other cloud provider. The   other services needed.   billion in profits for the   This shows the need for
            business has a significant   AWS provides a virtual   company. According to   thorough cost research
            global network of 67 top   environment for loading   the company’s Q2 2021    before choosing a cloud
            consultancy partners      software and services,    financial report, the     service provider.

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