Page 25 - Cloud Chronicles Fifth Issue
P. 25

ICT: Social media and online communities have
            ICT: You are quite        showcase their              become crucial for networking in the music
            prolific on social        abilities and               industry. How have digital platforms helped you
            media. Huge on            gain recognition.           collaborate with other artists and stay engaged
            Facebook, Twitter,                                    with your audience?
            Instagram, and any        ICT: How has                NB: For me to continue interacting with my audience
            other platforms. Talk     technology                  and working with other artists, digital channels have
            to me about that.         transformed the             been crucial. As an illustration, many viewers respond
            How do you use the        way professions’            to my posts on social media, and I learn about their
            different platforms,      mix and perform?            opinions as a result. Similar to this, I can contact with
            and how important         Can you share               other artists via a number of social media platforms
            are they to your daily    some specific               without having to actually meet them.
            activities?               tools or software
            NB: I think it’s important   that have become
            to carefully think about   indispensable for         ICT: With the rise of     of our creativity and
            how each app is used.     you?                       streaming platforms,      provide audiences
            On social media, I don’t   NB: Technology has        VJs, RJs, and MCs can     with unforgettable
            frequently share details   caused a significant      now reach a global        experiences, these
            about my personal         shift in how people        audience more easily.     tools have become
            life. My professional     interact and perform       How has technology        fundamental to
            postings receive          in the context of          influenced your           the contemporary
            priority. Despite this,   media platforms. I         ability to connect with   performance and
            occasionally I write      believe that software      fans and share your       broadcasting scene.
            my ideas down and         differs according to       music?
            publish my images for     people’s priorities and    NB: In fact, we are
            entertainment.            preferences. Personally,   living in a period        ICT: Mobile apps
                                      I use various software     of remarkable             have made it possible
            ICT: Can you share        that keeps me up to        technological             to practice and
                                                                                           perform from almost
            your thoughts on          date and provides me       advancement, and          anywhere. Are there
            how technology            with information I need.   these advancements        any particular apps
            has redefined the                                    have both made the        you find valuable for
            way colleagues and        ICT: Many VJs, RJs,        world smaller and more    practicing or coming
            audiences connect         and MCs now use            connected while also      up with new ideas on
            their craft and connect   digital controllers        expanding the global             the go?
            with audiences in this    and software for           market. In particular,
                                                                                                   NB: Mobile
            digital age?              their sets. Could you      the expansion of media          applications
            NB: In the digital        highlight a favourite      streaming services         have significantly
            era, individuals with     feature or tool that has   has greatly helped        transformed our
            exceptional abilities     significantly enhanced     this transformation.      daily lives, offering
            can now showcase          your performance?          I can now connect with    convenience and
            their abilities on various   NB: Technology has      my fans and well-         versatility. Zoom, for
            social media platforms,   significantly impacted     wishers from all around   example, became an
            gaining attention         the media industry,        the world without any     indispensable tool
                and admiration.       providing stability,       difficulty.               for communication
                  Technology          dignity, and transforming                            during the COVID-19
                   allows for         content creation,          ICT: Tech tools like      pandemic, and
                   personal           sharing, and evaluation.   loop stations and         smartphones have
                  interaction and     It has facilitated access   effects processors       evolved to capture
                 engagement with      to others’ work, allowing   have become common       high-quality images
                    an audience,      for appreciation and       in VJs, RJs and MCs       and videos with ease.
                    allowing          inspiration. Technology    setups. Can you           This democratization
                     individuals to   has simplified content     discuss how these         of technology has
                                      creation, editing, and     tools have expanded       empowered individuals
                                      distribution processes,    your creative             to be more self-reliant
                                      allowing for wider         possibilities during      and creative in various
                                      audience reach while       live sets?                aspects of their lives.
                                      maintaining excellence.    NB: These technologies    The continuous influx of
                                      It also fosters a global   provide a wide range of   new applications opens
                                       community among           creative opportunities    up endless possibilities
                                       media professionals,      and enable real time      for innovation and fresh
                                      promoting collaboration    video and audio           ideas, allowing us to
                                      and idea exchange, and     manipulation for artists   adapt and thrive in an
                                      has made the job more      like us.  By enabling     increasingly digital and
                                      convenient and exciting.   us to push the limits     interconnected world.

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