Page 8 - Cloud Chronicles Fifth Issue
P. 8


           Compiled & Prepared By:                                                                           Reviewed By:
           Dr. Pawan Kumar Sharma                                                           Pradeep Kandel, Microsoft MVP

                           Rise of            services in

              “Where Cloud             Azure platform
              Computing Meets
              the Magic of Artificial
                  magine a boundless     Introduction to Azure     promises seamless         Services. Cognitive
                  realm floating high    and AI Services           scalability, allowing     Services provide
                  above the earth,       Microsoft Azure is a      businesses to react       pre-built AI APIs for
              Iwhere the whips of        scalable, adaptable,      quickly to shifting       computer vision, speech
              the cloud dance gracefully,   and cost-effective cloud   demands. Azure protects   recognition, natural
              promising the moon and     computing platform that   sensitive information     language processing
              stars to those who dare to   eliminates the need for   with built-in security   (NLP), and decision-
              dream big. Enter Microsoft   on-premises infrastructure   protections, compliance   making, whereas
              Azure- a celestial cloud   for organizations and     certifications, as well   Machine Learning allows
              computing platform that    developers. Azure acts    as data protection        developers to design,
              beckons businesses to soar   as a digital transformation   procedures, promoting   train, and deploy models.
              to new heights in the digital   accelerator, enabling   trust and reliability.  Cognitive Search draws
              universe. Now, prepare to   businesses to scale      Azure AI services are     insights from structured
              witness the mystical forces   operations according   a collection of tools     and unstructured data,
              of artificial intelligence,   to demand and avoid    and resources that        while Bot Services enable
              where machines come        upfront costs. It runs    help businesses build     intelligent bots for a
              to life, and dreams are    via a global network of   and deploy AI-powered     variety of applications.
              interwoven with data and   data centers, allowing    applications. Cognitive   Speech Service
              algorithms.  Microsoft’s AI   customers to access    Services, Machine         incorporates speech
              services, a collection of   computing resources,     Learning, Bot Services,   recognition and speech-
              powerful tools, and APIs,   storage, databases, and   Cognitive Search,        to-text capabilities into
              invites you to wield the   networking capabilities   Personalizer, Video       apps, while Personalizer
              power of AI with ease,     from anywhere over the    Analyzer, Speech Service,  optimizes content and
              without the need for arcane   internet. In the ever-  Form Recognizer, and     recommendations
              knowledge.                 changing technological    Anomaly Detector are      depending on user
                                         landscape, Azure          examples of Azure AI      behavior. Anomaly
                                                                                              Detector and Form
                                                                                              Recognizer are AI tools
                                                                                              that enhance data
                                                                                              analysis in various
                                                                                              fields, detecting
                                                                                              irregular patterns in
                                                                                              time-series data for
                                                                                              fraud detection and
                                                                                              performance monitoring,
                                                                                              and simplifying
                                                                                              data extraction and
                                                                                              processing tasks.

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