Page 13 - Cloud Chronicles Fifth Issue
P. 13

ICT: Data center energy            infrastructure is scalable          assure accessibility in the event
            efficiency is a growing            enough to meet the growing          of a breakdown, data redundancy
            concern. What steps have           demands of cloud-based              entails storing data in numerous
            you taken to optimize              applications and services?          locations. Data and system
                                                                                   restoration following calamities is
 UNVEILIN G   energy consumption and           KP: We calculated the three-        referred to as disaster recovery.
            reduce the environmental
                                               year data processing needs and
                                                                                   Our strategy is for using all Nepali
            impact of your company?
                                               looked to meet expectations for
                                                                                   data centers, including those in
 KISH O R P  TH  KP: Concerns are growing about   the data center location while   Kathmandu, to provide services
                                               adjusting capacity. Scalability is
                                                                                   based on the criticality of the
            data centers’ increasing energy
                                               being taken into account in the
                                                                                   data. Depending on customer
            use. Despite attempts, rising
            data processing and storage        planning for a new data center      requirements, we use Azure and
            demand raises energy use. Due      over a ten-year period. Two         AWS, and before installation, we
            to complications, improving data   readily available data centers      get the client’s approval.
            efficiency remains a challenge.    were used. The company wants        ICT: Artificial Intelligence
            Many businesses, including ours,   to expand outside of Kathmandu
            struggle to maximize energy use    to the rest of Nepal within the     and Machine Learning
            due to practical challenges and    next five years, offering on-       are playing an increasing
            high electricity costs.            demand cloud computing for          role in data center
                                               efficient IT growth.                management. How is your
            ICT: Can you share                                                     data center leveraging these
            any recent projects or             ICT: Compliance and                 technologies to enhance
            technologies your company          regulatory requirements             efficiency and performance?
            has implemented to improve         can vary across industries
            cloud services?                    and regions. How does               KP: That is accurate, yes.
                                               your company ensure                 Machine learning (ML) and
            KP: Customers have received        compliance with relevant            artificial intelligence (AI) are
            help from us to make their apps    standards and regulations           playing an increasingly important
            cloud-compatible. A financial      in the cloud environment?           role in data center management.
            cloud is being created, with a                                         With these technologies, it is
            focus on cloud-based services.     KP: Compliance requirements         possible to automate operations,
            Applications that are not cloud-   vary by industry due to the         boost efficacy, and improve
            ready provide difficulties. Apps   diverse laws and regulatory         performance. We are not,
            for customer assistance are        frameworks in different places.     however, currently utilizing any
            part of our project, along with    Our company adheres to              kind of AI. These days, artificial
            a framework for simple app         international standards while       intelligence is something that
            migration. Complete cloud          focusing on the local market to     everyone wants to use in
            banking integration is the         make compliance easier. Local       everything. Currently, we are
            end goal.                          markets could have looser           unaware of how to use artificial
                                                 regulations than other places,    intelligence. It might be useful
            ICT: As cloud                         which aids in managing           to our company in ten to fifteen
            usage increases,                      compliance.                      years, but not right now. Although
            scalability becomes                                                    we are unable to discuss the
            crucial. How do                       ICT: Data redundancy             precise application at this time,
                                                        and disaster
            you ensure that                                recovery are vital      we do employ AI tools for some
            your company’s                                                         aspects of our reporting and data
                                                            aspects of cloud       collection.
                                                            Could you              ICT: Could you share an
                                                            explain the            example of a challenging
                                                            redundancy             situation where your
                                                            measures               company played a crucial
                                                           you have in             role in ensuring the success
                                                           place and how           of a cloud-based project?
                                                         you handle                KP: Our business had difficulties
                                                         potential data loss       in helping customers switch
                                                          scenarios?               from traditional software to
                                                                                   a cloud-based solution. We
                                                          KP: Important            advised moving to the cloud in
                                                          components of cloud      2016 to make things simple.
                                                           infrastructure are      Local services are still crucial,
                                                           data redundancy
                                                          and disaster             but the pandemic improved
                                                       recovery. In order to       comprehension of the cloud.
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