Page 12 - Cloud Chronicles Fifth Issue
P. 12


                                                                     KISHOR PANTH
                                                                     KISH             O    R P                 TH

            “ “    Beyond the Resume, Kishor discovered his interest in the field of IT despite studying mechanical

                   engineering. After earning a degree in mechanical engineering, he decided to take a different direction and
                   completed his education in computer applications. He started his career in computer networks in 2000
                   A.D. by seizing the chance to work with the Cisco Networking Academy Program while he was working at
                   Kathmandu College of Management.
                   Furthermore, Mr. Panth is the CEO of Access World, Nepal’s full-service cloud provider, which empowers
                   users to harness the full potential of cloud computing without incurring costly investments in technology
                   or human resources. Additionally, he is the Director at The Virtual CTO, Sydney. Moreover, he is the
                   founder of SASTRA Network Solution, which was established in 2003 AD. Notably, he noticed a need
                   for network services that no one else was offering at that time. In the IT industry, he’s making a big
                   impact by pushing boundaries and leveraging his skills in sales, services, and technology to create new
                                 ” ”

               ICT: What experiences or            ICT: How do you see                ICT: Data security is a
               events in your life have had        data centers evolving              paramount concern in the
               the most significant impact         in the context of cloud            cloud era. How do you
               on shaping who you are              technology?                        ensure the safety and
               today, both personally and          KP: Cloud computing and data       confidentiality of sensitive
               professionally?                     centers are two distinct but       data within your company?

               KP: My education has had            related ideas. Cloud computing,    KP: Data security is critical in
               the most impact on me. I            as opposed to data centers,        the cloud era because firms face
               moved to Mumbai with friends        involves distributing computing    dangers such as data breaches
               after finishing my mechanical       services through the Internet.     and manipulation. Our ISO
               engineering degree in Goa.          Not all data centers can host      certified organization follows
               Some of my friends moved            cloud services, and data           international IT service and
               on to better possibilities, so I    centers are used in a variety      information security management
               returned to Nepal in 2000. I        of industries. Cloud computing     requirements. ISO/IEC 20000-
               began teaching at Kathmandu         has resulted in more spread and    1:2018 defines IT service
               College of Management, where        efficient data centers, similar to   management practices, while ISO
               I was involved with the Cisco       motorways for cars. The rise of    27001:2013 and ISO 9001:2015
               Network Academic Program.           the cloud forces data centers to   ensures a safe information
               These events, together with         become increasingly dispersed,     management system. These
               my schooling, had a significant     virtualized, intelligent, and      certifications ensure the security
               impact on me.                       efficient.                         and dependability of data.
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