Page 26 - ICT Nepal News Issue 01
P. 26


               Nitendo has been on    almost as many daily active
            a tear this year  and not  users  as social media
            without  a reason.Back    favorites Snapchat and
            in March,  the legendary  Twitter. Although the game
            game-maker  finally       eventually began to lose
            made its first foray into  steam,  it still edged out
            smartphone  gaming  with  rivaling  titles Clash Royale,
            the release of its freemium  Traffic  Rider and  t'
            social networking  app    to become  Google  Play's
            Miitomo that proved  to   top game of 20L6.ln fact,  Niantic Labs.            its winning  mobile game
            be an immediate  success,  turned out to be such a     But this was only a    streak,  Nintendo also
            amassing over ten million  colossal sensation  it caused  temporary  setback.  ln  made its presence felt on
            downloads worldwide.      Nintendo stock to surge   September,  the game-     the hardware front. The
               It wasn't until the    up nearly 13 percent to a  maker  dropped another   company re-launched its
            launch of Pok6mon  Go     six-year high, but quickly  bomb when it announced  classic NES console  in an
            that things really started to  plummeted  when the  it is bringing the Super  adorable  tiny form to warm
            pick up for Nintendo. Only  company issued a memo   Mario franchise  to iOS   up nostalgic fans for the
            a week after its release,  rem  i nd ing sha reholders  and Android with its  introduction of its new
            the smash-hit augmented   it owns only 32 percent   upcoming  title Super     Nintendo Switch  console
            reality game engaged      of Pok6mon Go creator     Mario Run.ln addition to  early next year.

                  While these titans  of the tech  efforts within the next few years,  billion acquisition  of SolarCity.
               industry  undeniably stole the  with goals to produce 50 percent    Things are also shaking  up in
               spotlight  this year,  they certainly  of its offerings in-house.  the mobile  market. While Apple
               weren't the only companies         Tesla is also confidently     lords over the rest, Chinese
               to leave a mark in 2016.Netflix  marching forward on its electric-  suppliers Huawei  and Xiaomi
               continued to assert  its dominance  powered  quest with a slew of  are rapidly closing  in on runner-
               creating more original content  meaningful  improvements  to its  up Samsung, following the
               than ever and fixing to further  vehicles as well as bold entry into  devastating launch  of its flagship
               ramp up its original  programming  solar technology  with the 52.5  Galaxy Note 7.

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                                                  (26) IImNEPAL (|anuary  20L7)
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