Page 23 - ICT Nepal News Issue 01
P. 23

be so secure that you for"get  it  3.  Having patience,d  uring surfi ng:  I   lt,is better to not c,lick on,any
           within  l-0 seconds.               Being cautious  about the         pop-up notification  that claims
           It need,s to,be,usahle and        phishing  scams  like ads promising  we have won lottery.
           something that you and only  you  good  salary for easy jobs.
           can know.                         Emails  can look like they are from  Things we can do to make
           It is always,advised  to not share  legitimate  companies  but may  ourselves  a littte bit more secure!
           your password                     lead:you  to a phishing  site to gain a'  Site we register our email for any
                                             personal  information,  so we need  newsletters
       3,  Scritl Media $atety               to read the full email address     Do not download  unnecessary
       t   OnlV add peopl,e  on social media  carefu lly for verifi cation      programs  irom untrusted
           that you personally know          Making a habit not to give out     sources.
           Never agree to meet person you    credit  car:d infor:mation  to person  Use anti-virus  programs  and
           know online                       or any untrusted  websites,        update them periodically
           Be cautious  about the            without validating             )   Secure  wireless password,  and
           information  you share specially  Hovering  our mouse on that    {}  Use multiple accounts
           on social site (ex: Facebook,     suspicious  link will show thefull  i)  Busi ness accountr for  job-related
                                             link on the left of your screen.  o  official account  for e-banklng.
           lnstagr:am,  Twitter  )
           Don't give out personal           However,  links these days are     e-mails,
           information  such as Full name,   used after shorting, so it is better  Choose  WPA2/PSK  and disable
           address, phone number             to open those links in other       WPS on your router for security
           Do not CIpen email attachments    browser for various  other safety  Hide our SSID (router  display
           from unknown  person/emails       reason                             name)

        2G         Second Generation                        HSPDA      High Speed Downlink Packet Access
        3G         Third Generation                         ICO        Information  Commissioner's  Offi ce
        4G         Fourth Generation                        ICRIER     Indian Council for Research  on Interna-

        ADSL       Asymmetric  digital subscriber line                 tional Economic Relations
        ARPU       Average  Revenue per User                ICT        Information  and Communications Technol-
        BI         Business Intelligence
                                                            IM         Instant Messaging
        BTS        Base Transceiver  Station
                                                            IVR       Interactive Voice Response
        CDMA       Code Division Multiple  Access
                                                            TVVR      Interactive Voice  and Video Response
        CMS        Call Management  Services
                                                            LTE       Long-Term  Evolution
        CP         Content  Provider
                                                            MMS       Multimedia Message Service
        CRBT       Caller Ring Back Tone
        EDGE       Enhanced Data (rates  for) GSM Evolution  MVAS     Mobile Value Added Service

        ENRD       E-Networking  Research and Development   NFC       Near Field Communication
        GPRS       General Packet Radio Service             NNP       National Numbering  Plan
        GPS        Global Positioning  System               OTT       Over  The Top
        GSM        Global System for Mobile                 PDA       Personal Digital Assistant

        GSMA       GSM (Groupe  Sp6ciale Mobile) Associa-   PECR      Privacy and Electronic  Communications
                  tion                                                Regulations

                                             (23) IIaflNEPAL  (|anuary Zafi)
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