Page 25 - ICT Nepal News Issue 01
P. 25

Google Wifi routel the    head liner, however,  was  tech aficionados  with its  new research estimated
       company launched its new  the announcement  of its  gorgeous  design, smooth  Android  scooped  87.5
        and improved Daydream    new Pixel and Pixel XL    performa  nce, sharp display  percent of the global
       VR headset  and also took  flagship smartphones,    and spectacular  camera   smartphone  market share -
        on Amazon with its own   leaving the Nexus  brand  capabilities.             meaning  nearly  every nine
        smart home device  called  behind. Assembled  by      To top all of this off,  out of ten mobile devices
        Google  Home.             HTC, the handset  quickly  Google recently hit another  out there are running its
          The undisputed         earned  the admiration  of  massive milestone, after  operating system.


          For Microsoft,  2016    its brushed up Surface
        was all about enabling    Book, boasting  signifi cantly
        people to connect and     augmented graphical
        create.Back  in October,  performance  as well as
        the company hosted its    a supercharged battery
        Windows  10 event, where  that could last for up to 16
        in addition  to announcing  hours.
        a huge'Creators  Update'    It also showed it's
        still to come next  year,  finally  getting  serious  its components  in a single  To round things up,
        it also teased  a series of  about virtual reality with  base and monitor unit.  more recently Microsoft
        complimentary  tools and  a small preview of its      The Surface Studio     made its foray into
        resources to go with it,  forthcom ing VR headset.  will ship with auxiliary  group chat messaging
        including the revamped    But the biggest takeaway  'surface  Dial' knob which  with the introduction
        Paint 3D app as well as   from the Windows  l-0    will provide a wide array of  of its Slack competitor
        its creative community    event was without  a     skills and controls, when  Microsoft  Teams,  which
        platform Remix3D.But      doubt the announcement    placed  on the screen.   aims to streamline  team
        more remarkably,  the     of its first ever desktop  The Dial will also be sold  communication  for both
        Windows-maker  also       computer  -  the Surface  separately as it will be  casual conversation and
        teased a thrilling  line of  Studio. Much like the iMac,  compatible  with other  prod uctive col la boration.
        new hardware products.    the device is an all-in-one  Surface products,  i ncluding  But we will have to wait
          To start off, the       PC with a dazzling design  the Surface  Book and the  until next year to see how
        Redmond  titan revealed   that holds together all of  Surface Pro.           this pans out.


           Capitalizing  on the   video services.
        surprising success of its   Whereas  in October
        Echo smart speaker;  this  the company launched its
        year Amazon  continued to  standalone on-demand
        expand  its Echo offerings,  music streaming service
        introducing  a heap of    Amazon  Music Unlimited
        new Alexa skills as well  to take on rivals Spotify and
        as two smaller-sized      Apple Music  and in the last  that promises  to     into retail with 2,000  more
        models  of its smart home  month it revealed  its video  fu nda menta  I ly tra nsform  Go-equipped stores, the
        assistant -  the Amazon   streaming service Amazon  the retail world. ln a   company  was quick to shun
        Dot and the Amazon  Tap.  Prime Video  which is rolling  nutshell, the system aims  the rumors, claiming it
        The e-commerce  giant     out globally to go neck and  to make stores cashier-free  has no immediate  plans to
        also managed to"ramp up   neck with Netflix.        by introducing  a new self-  open more physical stores
        its content streaming and    ln a less anticipated  check out mechanism.      other than the grocery
        prod uction efforts,  bri ngi ng  turn of events, Amazon  Although  news outlets  shop in Seattle where it's
        notable improvements to   also launched its new     rushed to speculate       currently testing the new
        both its music as well as  Amazon  Go technology    Amazon could venture     technology.  .

                                              [25)  ]mINEPAL (January  20t7)
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