Page 22 - ICT Nepal News Issue 01
P. 22

Problem domain                       Cracker softwares can stay in      guess  and crack
              This is where the danger  is for us:  memory, startup  and could be  Make  passwords that you can
              We open our web browser and       a persistent applications always   easily remember, such as your
              begin browsing directly           running on the background.         hometown
              We visit a site and unknowingly   Opening  vulnerable office files   eg : P@lp4n3P@l)
              fall into a spyware  trap, such as:  and adobe reader formats  on a  Gmail ; P@55wOrDGm@1lP@
              A pop-up, we click on, or even to  vulnerable system could result in  lp4n3P@l
              close it                          total system com promise.          Yahoo  : P@55w0rDY@h00P@
             A deceptive link that we follow                                       lp4n3P@l
             A clickable  graphic  that we click,  Surfing internet in a safer way
              leads down a dangerous  path   l.  ehoosing yCIur passwords      Basic points  about passwords
             Spyware  loads onto our PC     #  Use a unique  password for each     It is better  not to use personal
             without our knowledge              of important  accounts.            information  or common words
             Sometimes  simply opening a        Use different passwords for       as a password.  Someone  with a
             Web page  or an HTML email         e-banking  account and personal    brief knowledge of our history or
             starts the installation            email account                     someone  who does some digging
             Our computer  is infected and our  Use of different  passwords  on   can try attacking with those
             personal  information  is at risk  different  social networking  sites  details.
                                                so that even  if someone  gets    Make sure your backup  password
          Other Problems:                       access to one of your sites, other  options are up-to-date  and
             Download and use of                sites will not be compromised     secu red.
             applications downloaded  from      simultaneously.                   It is recommended to change
             unofficial  and untrusted  sites.
                                                                                  your passwords  every 2-4 weeks.
             Visiting untrusted  sites which  s  Use a mix of letters,  numbers
             may contain pop-ups  and click-    and symbots in password.       Habits regarding password.
             baits.                             Using a strong password,  with    It is better  not to write down
             Use of crackers and keygen  to    the combination  of letters,       password  on notebooks or
             crack applications, and operating  symbols  and numbers              personal  diaries
             systems.                          Longer passwords  are harder to    A password  does not need to

                                               (22)    NEPAL   f]anuary  ?017)
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